Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times of only one remembers to turn on the light."

-Albus Dumbledore

Thank you for turning on the light, Sharon.

I am a queer single parent of a herd of boys, and Donald Trump's rhetoric and the people who choose to go along with it have had dramatic effect on my family in very real ways. I am acutely aware that if he wins the presidency, I may lose my right to foster children any longer, and many other rights could be taken as well.

As much as I hate that my kids are growing up in a world where their parent's existence is on the chopping block every election, I also hate that they're growing up in a world where violence prevails. It's sickening and heartbreaking and everything in between.

Yet as much as I hate the political violence from this weekend, I wish that so many of the right-wing pundits cared this much when classrooms of six year olds are gunned down.

I'm sick of gun violence, and I'm sick of guns, and I'm sick of violence.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

I can’t imagine your struggle and pain. You’re doing incredible work that is so desperately needed. Thank you for fostering children and being a light to them in this very dark timeline. I will be hoping and fighting for a future where you can continue to do this mighty act of love and service without fear!

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Perhaps if the Democrats were not spewing hatred and lies and calling their nemesis Hitler Mussolini Stalin and making false and empty accusations that democracy will end, the shooter would not have felt compelled to want to rid the world of this horrible orange monster. BTW, I am also gay.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

I agree, thank you for pointing out there are Dems also guilty of name-calling, etc. However, we do not yet know the shooter’s motive. And although speculation is a normal human reaction, it is also an empty accusation. Our president (who has been famous for misspeaking his entire life) called for us to take our differences to the “battle” box. We all knew he meant ballot box, and those with goodwill in their hearts will give him grace for misspeaking. After the horrific and traumatizing attack, Former President Trump told his followers:”Fight. Fight. Fight.” “…we cannot let Evil win.” “…the convention will go on with a vengeance.” I choose to give him grace, too. However, I will not both-sides this. We have to be the light so we and others can clearly see the truth. The media and politicians are not interested in doing that because it is not in their interest. It is only in ours; we are the only ones that can save ourselves.

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I can't both sides this either. And I admit that I can be both sad that someone chose violence and indifferent about how it made the target feel. I can be sad at the lives lost and the people hurt, but still remember when bombs were sent to another former president and select members of Congress. I absolutely condemn political violence, but this wasn't about any of Biden's words. I am glad that the shooter didn't succeed. But I'm emotionally exhausted - I simply cannot muster up sympathy for someone who regularly and openly calls for violence on his fellow Americans. That doesn't make me a bad person and it isn't the same as celebrating violence or even hinting that it's ok. And I'm not going to pretend that I don't see strong parallels with history just so no one infers that someone who openly admires autocrats and dictators might himself want to be one.

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Yes, upon rereading my comment, it does sound like I know the shooter’s motive and intentions behind his actions. My bad. Unfair speculation.

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We all reconsider our words. I edit my comments often. We are all here to help one another process complicated information and situations, and “make sense of the senseless.”

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

(I don't mean this directly at you but just a general response to what you're saying!) I try not to engage in "what-about-ism" but ... I don't think it's fair to say Trump did nothing to encourage Jan 6 and was in no-way responsible, but then say that Biden's words caused this attempted assassination. D and R are both guilty of nasty rhetoric and fear mongering.

What happened was awful and makes our country look bad. It bums me out that this is more likely to cause further divide than bring the population together.

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Gotcha. I wasn’t necessarily pointing at Biden. I could have spelled out particular journalists snd media personalities.

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Totally agree!!

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While you are correct about dems. Don’t forget the Trump also says the same things about Biden and democrats. That they will destroy democracy, that they are vermin, baby killers, it is the party of pedophiles, and many other things that are vile and hate filled. It was that rhetoric that made me leave the party at 61yo, I’m don’t with the Republican Party because of those horrible things. I have friends and family who are democrats because of their life experience that has formed their views. This is not either sides country, alone, it is the country of all the citizens here and it is time to stop this crap.

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You nailed that one. Unfortunately, but I think you’re speaking to the wrong party. The violent rhetoric is usually heard from the mega Republicans. I don’t see any AK-47 pins on any Democratic house representatives. You might want to rewatch Trump speech before January 6 event took place. What does it mean that you’re gay? What is that make?

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This weekend I felt like I was watching a movie. A movie that was full of lies. Everywhere I turned people were saying how horrible it was to be a liberal. How could that be ? I have spent much of my life championing others! Loving on others. It use to be a joke in my family that I was a tree hugger. Back in the day that is all it was for me… I would shake my head and go back to living my life.

Since 2016 I have become tired..exhausted to the core. I have protested, rallied, helped, supported, given, lost relationships, learned and encouraged. The fatigue is real. My candle has melted

I WILL light a new one because it is what is right. I WILL reach out because that is what I do!

Thank you all that read this … you are what is right in my world. Much love

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

"My candle has melted." Oh my god, I feel that so much. I think most of the country feels the same way too. We're all just so weary of the ridiculousness that embodies our politicians. Unfortunately I think that will keep many away from the polls in November, so in lieu of my normal candle, I'm gonna hold one of those cheap dollar store electric candles in an effort to stave off the horrors that constantly threaten our existence.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

I love “my candle has melted” I am also exhausted. I am a retired social worker who spent forty years fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. I now volunteer for the homeless and meals on wheels. Over these many years I have seen the resources for the very poorest reduced and reduced. Trump wants to eliminate them. I cannot both sides this either. BUT this isn’t just about both sides. It’s also about who I am. I do not want to be someone who condones violence. I want to hang on to my integrity. I want to keep my light lit.

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Maybe we should all be praying for wisdom for our congressmen and president to find ways to make change that will help the least of us

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I am a retired nurse who spent my career working in hospitals. Our job could be difficult but we all prayed for the social worker. The difficulties you see and decisions you are forced to make are the hardest. Thank you for your work and your volunteer work.

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Thank you for your service! We were always so grateful for the nurses- nurses are vital to patients survival.

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I feel all this. I’m exhausted. I feel like my optimism is broken, my faith is so broken by the actions of those who say they are loving. I’m a tree hugging Christ loving liberal and these last few years.. not even just months, years.. hearing how ‘evil’ I am because I am liberal.. I just am so tired.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Trump absolutely terrifies me. I am embarrassed to admit that I have had some not-so kind thoughts. But when I watch interviews with survivors from the rally, I feel empathy. In their eyes, the one person they believe can save America is under attack - not just from this but also from all of the lawsuits and convictions. Some of my worst fears about what Trump *might* do to people I admire are actually happening to the people they admire. They must feel a lot like what I felt on January 6. I’m not sure the country will ever agree on the basic facts that surround things like the 2020 election, Trump’s convictions, and the events on July 13 (conspiracy theories are already flying). However, maybe we could at least unite in an understanding that we are all just scared of losing democracy. All of us are - both right and left. We may disagree on what the perceived threat is or how to proceed, but we are all scared. So if we are all scared of losing democracy, then maybe we all actually do appreciate and value democracy. That’s a good starting place. I’m trying my best to stay in that place of compassion, rather than let the not-so-kind thoughts prevail. I’m trying to be gentle on myself, likeminded people, and those with opposing beliefs. We are all going through a lot right now.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

“Maybe we could at least unite in an understanding that we are all just scared of losing democracy” is a fantastic observation & very well said. Thank you for this comment! I needed this empathetic, humanizing reminder.

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Thanks for your honest comment. I think events like this do show us that even people we don’t agree with are good people. People with families and businesses and concerns of their own. You make some very good points.

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I agree with you 100%. I feel like the way our government and parties work is too confusing and the debates do absolutely nothing to clarify what each really stands for. I wish we could get a two hour PowerPoint presentation from each candidate walking through everything they plan on doing in office. I work in sales and feel like I’m more effective at telling my clients what my company does, what we can do for them, etc than either PRESIDENTIAL candidate! It’s absurd.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

I decided not to watch the endless loop of the same video footage. I detached from the news and did useful, fulfilling life tasks. I will continue until experts have facts to share with me. I don’t have to subject myself to the media circus. I can still be a good, informed citizen. Thank you Sharon for being a voice of reason and care.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

I did the exact same thing. Looked forward to reading The Preamble today and I’ll listen/read Heather Cox Richardson too. Staying away from the regular news for now. Also focusing on being a light in the world.

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Sharon and Heather are my two absolute favorites! ❤️❤️❤️

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Same! Paused my facebook today too. Maybe back on after the election, everyone is to .. it’s just a lot.

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Like many others, I have been reading a ton of editorials, articles and social media posts in response to this horrific event - and what still surprises me is how many people cannot see past their own personal hatred for a candidate and just agree that violence is not the solution. I’ve seen you and many other well known journalists or political commentators being thoroughly trashed for trying to point out the common cause of denouncing violence. As you mention, you don’t have to like a candidate to know that violence against them is not the solution. I feel that the fearmongering done by both parties has caused this. No, the country will not end if candidate A or B is elected. They’ve both served already and surprise, it didn’t end other either of them. We have checks and balances for that. And neither candidate is evil incarnate but the campaigns are stirring up fear and hate to get votes. I hope this “incident” gives pause to that mindset at least long enough for us to ponder if we are reacting to irrational fear or reality? Bipartisan Organizations such as “Starts with Us” and “Braver Angels” have been working toward helping Americans from both parties find common ground, and to see our fellow Americans as human beings and not members of the evil opposition. Sharon, I applaud what you are doing and I’m sorry you’ve had to experience some pretty nasty responses. Please know that your supporters well outweigh the haters. We will always have your back. Carry on!

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

As awful as this assassination attempt on Donald Trump is I am hoping for a miracle. Wouldn't it be wonderful if republicans and democrats could finally come together and create and pass a bill which would fix the gun crisis in America? I know, it should have been fixed when the first child in a school was gunned down, but it wasn't. Maybe, just maybe, this terrible event could change the minds of lawmakers who haven't been able to do the right thing.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

I wish this would change the hearts of those who believe it is a right to carry an AR-15 like rifle. Sadly, I don't hold much hope for that. We need to vote them out so laws can be changed. The ballot box is where we win. Vote Blue.

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Thank you, Kathy. I am beside myself about this situation and about another shooting at a mass gathering. It has been reported that Trump is ok, but 2 people lost their lives and 2 were hospitalized. I am with you in hoping that we can come to some agreement on gun regulation and the needed healthcare in America. I too am hoping for a change of heart with our lawmakers in becoming more educated to the real problems in America, be more humble in their approach and acknowledgment of how diverse Americans are in their needs. We need lawmakers that are focused on complex problem-solving. I know we have these people and they don’t get enough credit. These people work hard for Americans and then are knocked down by others not interested in legislating. I truly believe that women are the rudder to guide America into a more compassionate and safe country.

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I am so sorry for the hate you have encountered this weekend because of your unwillingness to feed the hateful narrative some insist on spreading. What little you have revealed about the trash that has people are hurling at you shows a righteous anger motivated by love of truth, neighbors, and common decency. I am grateful for your consistent light, shining through the dark to lead people what is true, honorable, right, excellent.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you for being a light. In particular, thank you for your words on Instagram yesterday which were widely shared. May we all strive to be better.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

In December 1944, my husband’s grandfather was fighting the Nazis in the Hürtgen Forest (he would eventually lose an arm in the battle a few weeks later) While many of us have heard of the Christmas Truce in the First World War, there was- according to personal accounts- a smaller one that Christmas in a tiny little cabin in the forest. A German woman and her young son first helped care for 3 injured American soldiers, only to then also welcome in 4 German soldiers. All of them. Together.

I think about that story a lot. The fear the German woman and her son must’ve felt. The panic of the American soldiers when they saw the Germans come in, too. But for one night, they laid down their arms, saw the humanity in each other and broke bread together.

We know how horrific the Nazi government was. Absolutely, terribly horrific. Both sets of soldiers did eventually return to their “sides” and, we assume, continued to fight. But for that night, a handful of battle-wearied boys chose peace.

I don’t know what the next months look like for our country. I am, admittedly, pretty insulated from some of the worst division living here in DC believe it or not (you might be surprised how, beyond the one-liners and quips, everyone I know here, R and D, is pretty exhausted with this stuff) But I also know that I can still choose humanity, I can still choose peace. It doesn’t mean I stop fighting, but hopefully it gives me a better perspective on what I’m fighting for, which is the good of ALL my fellow Americans.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you for this encouragement. You always seem to know the right things to say. You are what we all need right now. Love wins, not hate.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you. Thank you for being someone I can trust, someone who doesn't fan the flames. Like Biden said, let's all please just lower the temperature. We can still be passionate about our beliefs, and also be peacemakers.

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This really resonates, “ . . passionate about our beliefs, and also be peacemakers.” This is where I find myself. Navigating the waters of communicating clearly my beliefs and convictions while doing so with respect to those who adamantly oppose them. Those waters feel rough and dark and unknown sometimes. But it feels worth it!

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you for sharing your thoughts this weekend, and condemning violence and dog whistles coming from both sides. I am a moderate, and am tired of the loudest voices from both sides being the ones that drive policy.

My 10 year old son is concerned every time he sees a political ad where both sides say the other is dangerous. He knows I support the current President, and my Mom supports the former President. To calm his concern, I started telling him “Grandmom is a smart lady, and she feels that the former President loves this country. We both want our country to thrive for everyone, but see a different path for getting there. However, I trust Grandmom.” It seems to help him.

I hope this is a turning point where the hate from both sides can leave the room, where we can see the humanity in both sides, and we can begin to have discussions again about how to meet in the middle. I am hopeful that the former President has said he has rewritten his RNC speech after the events of this weekend to try to turn the temperature down. I am choosing hope, instead of fear.

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Kudos to you for handling your son’s concerns in such a positive way. “Grandmom is a smart lady, and she feels that the former President loves this country. We both want our country to thrive for everyone, but see a different path for getting there. However, I trust Grandmom.” 🥹🥹

We need more of this ❤️

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Isn’t it amazing how explaining these tenuous times to our children helps clarify what really matters? (For me it’s my middle son, who is 8). You are doing such good, formative work telling him people can disagree and still love one another. ❤️

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I love this anecdote. From the mouths of babes…

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

I appreciate the thought-provoking article. I have trouble reconciling my negative opinions about the former president and his followers.

I will find a way to put more light into the world beginning today. 🕯️

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you for always being the voice of reason Sharon! From your lips to the ears of all Americans (hopefully). 🙏

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thanks Sharon! We support you. Please keep fighting the good fight of reason. ❤️✊

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Jul 15Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you Sharon for writing this and making us all better people. ❤️

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