I really appreciate understanding the ways this is gift, wake-up-call, and burden for Europe. My understanding of the impact to Europe was expanded today, so thank you!

Would you be willing to add another topic to future articles list? What does an American alliance with Putin means for America? What does it mean for our way of life? I believe this will NOT be in any way, shape, or form be a gift for anyone but our own oligarchs. But I think it would be helpful to understand the types of changes we can expect to see from this here. Russian propaganda is hard at work in America, and many, many people do not comprehend the hell that is to come from Trump’s alliance with Putin.

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This is a great question. Adding it to our list!

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Thank you! I’m so so so grateful for your commitment to building an informed electorate.

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I came here to ask the same questions. These decisions are being made without considering the repercussions for American citizens.

It’s also concerning that Macron had to correct Trump during their press conference yesterday. Was Trump outright lying or does he not understand what is going on?

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Yes. America aligning with Putin is not a gift. I struggle to understand how that word can be tossed out in a situation like this. A “gift” that Trump aligned with Putin and is falling instep with other “dictators” (Orban, Xi)?!

The only gift is that Trump, Republican law makers & Republican voters have liquidated Democracy & freedom to the whims of cruel dictators. That is peril - not a gift.

The wars & cruel arrogance of men.

Our planet is in peril, others species who share this earth with us are in peril and in this free-fall with us.


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I think "gift" is being used here in the sense that the stark truth of U.S. priorities under Trump gives Europe more clarity in the steps they have to take now. I get the intent, but I think you're right that this "gift" in no way bears benevolence.

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It's a gift in the same way my dad's first heart attack was a gift. It's a wake-up call. We honestly do call his heart attack a gift. It gave us all clarity about what was important.

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I think many people just want to burn it all down. They're attracted to the apocalyptic drama of starting over, but they don't stop and think about the real day-to-day impacts that we all will experience.They want to stick it to the libs, but whatever happens will also drag them in as well. It feels like there are two realities playing out, the liberal and the MAGA, when actually there is just one reality we all share. Either Trump and his supporters have a much more optimistic view of what happens, or they hope for it to burn down so they can recreate.

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This is absolutely the case. I have a relative who is basically watching everything with popcorn in his hand because it’s “interesting.” This is the hubris of rarely being affected by global wars directly… we’ve never actually had to rebuild like Europe did after WWI and WWII so we don’t understand what “burning it all down” really means.

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Same! It’s like reality TV. I have a relative who seems to be entertained by everything that is happening and does seem to understand the gravity of it. I also get the feeling that people don’t understand the value of democracy and the message of “save democracy” falls on deaf ears.

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Yes, thank you. This is a great question. What does this shift for Americans and our way of life?

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Trump continues to live up (or maybe down?) to all my expectations. Embracing dictators and lying about the actions of democratic countries shouldn’t surprise me at this point. But yet it does. And it makes me so sad for Americans and Europeans. I am watching history unfold in all the wrong directions.

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Exactly. I'm so angry, terrified and sad all at once. I just want to know why the GOP body is agreeable to all these things? Why? I really do feel like I'm watching the Nazi party being re-built.

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It’s hard to watch the entire GOP just fall in line.

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A high cost will be paid for aligning ourselves with Russia, but not just to Europeans or other countries. We Americans will pay, too. The scenarios in which this decision could take us are frightening. What good can come from an alliance with Russia? Why would we want to disengage from our allies? What acceptable answer could there be? If we wanted to gift Europe the ability to build up their defenses, I think as Younger said, a phasing out would've been the right thing to do. All in all, however, I don't think it makes much difference no matter how it's painted. We are on the side of evil now, as expected with Trump, Vance and Musk at the helm.

I once made a comment here many months ago that felt so strange to say, but I said it anyway as I fear this situation deeply. The comment was, "What's to stop Trump from aligning us with Russia to take over the world?" Totally dystopian, I know, and yet...

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Trump has made his wishes and intentions crystal clear. He loves murderous dictators like Putin because he wants to be one. This is why he's openly following the 'dictator takeover playbook.' This is why Trump is replacing our military leaders and gutting the Federal workforce. He is replacing everyone loyal to the Constitution with people only loyal to him. It has nothing to do with cutting costs or rooting out corruption. It's about eliminating oversight and accountability.

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Totally agree!

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Generally good article, but this line is unnecessarily condescending: "What happens when Europe finally puts on its big-boy pants and develops the hard power needed for self-defense?"

"Big-boy pants?" Ukraine is literally being bombed daily, other European countries are directly threatened, and many have already committed countless resources to their mutual defense. Yes, they will now need a more independent strategy due to Trump's traitorous abandonment, but this phrasing is the definition of punching down. Please revise to something more respectful.

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Totally hear you on Ukraine. My take on this phrase is more along the lines of how the US has for decades been Europe’s “parent” figure when it comes to security. And they are now going to have to “grow up,” so to speak, and live on their own. For better or worse (maybe both?).

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I understand the thinking, but some alternatives to express the same idea might be "steps out of the USA's shadow" or "stands on their own." I'm concerned that casting Europe as a child aligns too closely with Russia's rhetoric.

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I fully agree with this assessment. In addition, let’s not forget how devastated Europe was after WW2. Widespread destruction of infrastructure and manufacturing that had to be rebuild and reparations to be paid (Germany). Not investing in defense was a necessity for many years.

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Yes, that line along with the assertion that this retreat from alliance is a "gift" seems to tip the hand of the author's bias. I understand the author's perspective, though I don't entirely agree with the framing. But ultimately, I guess I'll just take the author's hand tip as a "gift" in knowing where she stands.

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Agreed. I have trouble viewing any aspect of this a "gift" when the end result may be that my friend from Kharkiv may never be able to go home again. Or that Trump's enthusiastic appeasement sets Europe on the path to continued aggression from Russia. Or that all those Ukrainian lives and futures have been wasted. A betrayal of this magnitude is hardly a "gift."

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I agree with you 100%. I think article, while very informative, also came across as almost cold in some parts of it.

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I generally took that mean the US is abandoning Europe quite abruptly and now they have to confront defense decisions /financing on their own. The gift comment is not a gift for US or Europe but to Putin.

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So many things strike me in this article. The fact the so many senators are completely spineless and unwilling to do what is right. ...running away from cameras...????? My goodness. The fact that the US wants to be isolated and seems to be working very hard alienating allies while aligning with Russia, Iran, and North Korea simply astounds me and the fact that more people are not panicking makes me panic even more. I am so disturbed it is seriously affecting my mental health.

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Same here, Susan. I'm at a loss at how to deal with it.

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I'm feeling that way too. I've been calling and writing my state reps for weeks now, and all I get in reply is condescending or gaslighting remarks, if I get any. Not sure what to do.

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My partner’s entire family is Ukrainian. They lost family in the 2014 conflict. They don’t always have contact with their family still in Ukraine because of regular power outages due to air strikes. His grandmother’s home town was destroyed by Russian bombs. Obviously, I am biased when it comes to this topic. I don’t see any possible way aligning with Russia is a good thing. If you give Putin an inch, he’ll take a mile. It absolutely terrifies me. I absolutely cannot condone my government aligning with a dictator and war criminal.

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I couldn't care less if aligning with Russia was a fantastic thing for the US. Putin is a ruthless, cold-blooded mass murderer. Anyone who can overlook that for their own benefit has lost their humanity.

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I don't see how aligning with Russia can be a good thing. Period. What is Trump's end-game in all this? It seems as though each new decision he makes is to create more chaos than his last decision.

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Trump has three drivers to everything he does: money, ego, revenge. Trump and his billionaire buddies have the potential to make billions in Russia, especially since Putin doles out those opportunities to those he favors. Putin uses flattery on Trump to get what he wants, just like Kim Jong Un and other strongmen and Trump has always voiced his admiration for authoritarians and his desire to be one himself. He has hated Zelensky ever since Zelensky refused Trump’s demands to falsely announce investigations into Joe Biden before the 2020 election, when Trump withheld defense money for Ukraine and was impeached for it. It’s all as predictable and transactional as it is un-American.

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Agreed! Money, ego and revenge -- what a deadly combination.

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Trump has been a Russian asset since approx 1987. They gave him the code name Krasnov. Maybe it’s time for the asset to repay his comrade Putin’s favors.

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I have read about this too- will the story get any more attention?

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We are willingly giving up our hard-earned global leadership position and our integrity at the same time. I wonder whether the US defense industry will push back, since this will surely impact them, as well.

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It’s interesting to think about a shift in foreign policy so different from what we as a world are used to post WWII. I’ve listened to a few podcasts (which I did not save and I’m struggling to find now) about US Isolationism and the events that led to WWII and what a more isolationist foreign policy could mean moving forward for the US. It seems like there is a place for bully tactics to work in short bursts. But in the long term what will that mean for the US? We benefit from these alliances too alongside Europe and the rest of the world.

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I fear that, considering Trump’s deference to Putin, any upcoming world war would put us against Europe. It’s a frightening consideration.

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It's wild to think about. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that possibility, frightening for sure.

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So what do Trump supporters think of this? I genuinely want to know. Because I am not sure how one can align with Putin or North Korea and think they're on the right side of things.

Any people I know on FB who are Trump people are always very quiet about this topic. Maybe at most they'll say we shouldn't be spending so much money on Ukraine, but that's about it.

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I think 'aligning' with Putin and North Korea is very different from getting them to 'fall in line'. Trump has said he desires for all killing to stop and for there to be peace. Sometimes it takes a bully attitude to put another bully in place.

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Then why has he lied and said Zelensky is a dictator and that Ukraine started the war? Hes hardly bullying Russia.

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Agreed. He seemed to be bullying Ukraine, which doesn't make sense.

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Who is the bully here, Melissa? Not Putin?

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Yes, of course Putin. Bully being way too kind a word.

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So what is Trump doing to attempt to put Putin "in line"? So far everything I have seen indicates that he is in full support of Putin. He even said Ukraine started the war...

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IMO the problem is in "everything I have seen". If anyone thinks they can listen to any media and know the true conversations Trump has had with Putin; with Zelensky, they are fooling themselves. Every President has back-channel conversations. The administration would be silly to share all their planned maneuvers, as they work to restore relationships and peace. And, regarding Trump's accusation: it's more probable that there is much more to the root causes of this war than we average American citizens could know. The fact that Zelensky is still coming to meet with Trump this week to discuss a Mineral Deal, means he must not be in that much of a 'huff' about the accusation. Makes ya think!

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Sounds like you’re describing Trump’s pathetic “weave,” where he spouts all kinds of nonsense and falsehoods and in his own tiny mind, brings it all to some sort of brilliant conclusion. There’s nothing mysterious going on here. Trump is an outspoken admirer of the mass murderer and assassin, Vladimir Putin and other dictators who don’t have to deal with the pesky opposition, voters, free press or a constitution and he sees dollar signs in his eyes with all the economic deals Russia could offer. Putin invaded Ukraine and murdered thousands of its citizens because he thinks Ukraine belongs to him and is just one stage of his dream to reassemble the Russian empire. Zelensky must not be in “much of a huff?!?!?” My god, he is desperate to save his people and his country, after all they have suffered and all they have lost, from being subsumed by a brutal dictator and the narcissistic, dictator-loving megalomaniac who just happens to be the leader of the free world and who is in the process of throwing them to the Russian wolves. Trump is no better than a mafia boss trying to shake down a corner store owner when he seeks to extort Ukraine for the mineral rights it will need to attempt to rebuild and in the process throwing Russia a gigantic lifeline just when its economy is teetering on the brink. It is shameful conduct that I never in my life thought I would ever see from an American president.

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This comment seems unfair to Marianne. None of us are privy to what goes on behind closed doors, so what we must rely on is reliable news sources.

Zelensky is having a discussion with Trump about a potential mineral deal to ensure his country continues to have US support.


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Oh, I don't think I know even a fraction of what's really going on. I was honestly wondering if you had any information rather than your own speculations. It's nice for you that you can feel so positively about Trump, but that doesn't mean your opinion is the truth.

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A few thoughts:

1. I think it's stupid that we're aligning with Russia. Putin cannot be trusted.

2. Europe should absolutely look to itself for defense. We're of little use, and I hope that our friends across the pond can band together quickly enough to defend themselves.

3. Ok, this one is a little out there, but I wanted to get a little feedback in the comments (if anyone feels so moved). So I have been a part of/adjacent to a religious tradition that is deeply suspicious of the European Union. This tradition believes that from the E.U. will come the Antichrist who will rule before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (NOTE: While I am fascinated with Evangelical Christian eschatology, I do not buy into much of it.) The reason I bring this up is because there are folks in Trump's orbit (and among his base) who may buy into this narrative. I'm not saying that Trump makes his decisions according to interpretations of the book of Revelation, but does the Evangelical mistrust of Europe influence this administration's decisions?

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I like Kaitlyn Schiess’ take on the misuse of Scripture in politics: that you can tell it’s being used out of context if it’s only used in favor of the nation and never to critique it. Being suspicious of the EU while viewing the US as the new Israel is not a faithful interpretation of Scripture. It’s a much more faithful reading to see patterns of behavior in nations and critique whether they are leading to flourishing or harm, while remembering there are unseen forces behind the scenes.

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Yes! Voices like hers are so needed in the Evangelical sphere. We do need a remnant who won't bow the knee.

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She’s be an awesome guest for Sharon’s podcast 😉 speaking on the historical use of scripture in politics.

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I think that's an awesome idea

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I have not heard of her before, but I look forward to reading and listening to her. Thank you for the recommendation!

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She’s a regular on The Holy Post podcast and had written a couple of books on political theology. A really solid scholar and great communicator.

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Bingo. Love Katelyn.

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Yes, her books and hot takes on the Holy Post are a breath of fresh air.

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The holy post is awesome! Love to see another fan here. If I didn’t have HP and my church I’d feel a lot more alone in the world.

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I grew up in that evangelical subculture too, and it’s funny/scary to see how other facets of Trump (mainly his “solution” for Israel) could actually pin him as the antichrist if you follow everything Revelation says literally…

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Yes, we have Charlie Kirk speaking from the pulpit at mega churches. It’s horrifying. But there is a strong remnant that hasn’t bowed the knee.

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That's kind of hilarious. And you make an interesting point.

There was a short-lived billboard that went up just down the road from where I live that had a picture of Trump and the words "Unto us a son is given and the government shall be on his shoulders." Thankfully, it didn't last long.

But the sentiment that only Trump can solve this or that problem elevates him to near-messianic status.

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Christo-fascism is the term we need to use here, I believe.

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Political power mixed with "prophecy" is a dangerous combination.

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Yes. We have a leader with authoritarian aspirations combined with a large portion of the electorate with misguided biblical interpretations and voila.

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Trump is absolutely being influenced by Christian nationalism and pre millennial dispensationalism. Whether he knows it or not.

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Thank you both for this informative article.

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Europe hasn’t been blindsided by this. In fact many NATO countries - Poland as an example have ramped up their military spending because if Ukraine falls Putin won’t stop there.

Call your reps and demand that they clarify their position. Do they support an alliance with Russia? Because if they do then the reds aren’t under the American bed anymore, they’re in it.

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Thank you again for this article! I have a few disconnected thoughts about this: it is increasingly difficult to see how America in its current state survives the current onslaught of bad economic decisions- I think Americans are moving into active rebellion about this alone. Our traditional Allies appear to be aware of how chaotic our political landscape is and are signaling to Average Americans that they are still willing to be allies- i.e. Putin’s attempts to isolate us is not yet working completely. Average Americans are going be less willing to serve in the Armed Forces with such chaos and lack of moral integrity. This could be another huge handicap to America.

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In January, Army recruitment surged under the incoming Administration actually! A major milestone they are saying! But also, I'm wondering what particularly you think are the bad economic decisions?

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I'm not sure I would call it a surge. Recruitment began increasing prior to the incoming administration and has a lot to do with revamping their recruiting enterprise over the prior 12-18 months. I don't think we will really feel any ramifications of the new administration that quickly but will have to see over time.


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I appreciate both of these replies. I did not have these specifics when I made the above statement about the military. I speculated based on my anecdotal feedback from veterans in my life (my neighbors, postal worker, VA workers, friends) who have expressed their concerns. I think there is more evidence in our country that is pointing to poor economic decisions: Freezing USAID and rural energy assistance for farmers has caused economic harm to farmers. The threats from Trump to Canada and Denmark has caused these countries to boycott American goods and Canadians have canceled travel to America. The job cuts to our National Parks are economically significant in that National Parks provide significant income for the communities near them and any loss of visitors will result in economic harm to those communities. The enormous loss of jobs due to the unelected billionaire is causing economic hardship to small and rural towns. I know many folks personally who are deeply fearful of how these policies will affect them- a dear friend who is a tradesman and has cancer. He can’t hold down a full time job due to treatment and so works for himself and receives Medicaid. Our neighbor with special needs grandchildren who works part time and cares for his grandchildren as their parents work. Our neighbor and grandchildren are all on Medicaid- again there are no other options for this family. All of these situations have economic consequences as these people are not spending in the current economic climate. My sister resides in Australia and has had a bank account in America for years. Her Australian accountant is advising her to get her money out of America even if she loses in the exchange as America is headed for economic hardship. That is just part of the basis for my statements about the economic policies.

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I would like to know what the trump supporters here think of this and why they think it's a good thing, if that is the case...

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