I recently read the book One Life. I highly recommend it. Nicky is an international example of being “small and mighty.” The decision of the Air Force to reinstate those programs shows that sufficient public outcry can move the needle, and that we too can use our voices to be small and mighty.
Debbie, I love that! Every one of us is small and mighty, and moving the needle.
I’m going to my state Capitol today with the group Jobs With Justice to talk to our lawmakers about protecting our Initiative Petition process (citizens gather signatures to put laws on the ballot). We have legislators that want to make it harder and limit our voices. Just like the people that pushed back on removing that curriculum, we will be heard!
We can all inspire each other to raise our voices and be heard.
Kudos to you for heading to the capitol today!! Do we have legislators in Mn who are trying to stop the IP process? Who are they? We need to know who they are. Thank you!!
I am in MO. I can tell you we have had a Republican supermajority in MO for over 20 years, and every Republican in the MO legislature wants to “reform” our IP process to diminish/silence our voices and our power.
My suggestions are:
If you have a Republican state lawmaker, ask them where they stand on IPs.
But don’t believe them. Mine lied to my face. Always check their voting records.
Let them know where you stand, that you are watching them, and you will hold them accountable at the ballot box.
"What we do makes a difference, and so we must decide what kind of difference we want to make." I'm still searching for what I can do to make a difference, but until then, I do one small positive thing everyday. Thank you Sharon for grounding me.
I loved this morning's read! Something substantive (as you always are) about current events with glimpse on the side of light when there's darkness all around.
I enjoyed this format. My question is how did people express their dissatisfaction with the decision to shut down programs that taught about Tuskegee Airmen etc? Did they call and write to their US legislators or Air Force leadership? Or were the newspaper headlines calling out the decision to stop teaching about diverse groups in the military enough to get military leaders’ attention?
Personally I don't think newspaper headlines are enough. I think we do need to reach out to our Congressional representatives and let them know how we feel (both when we agree and disagree!) There was also significant social media activity related to this as well.
When I read the full article I realized that the group Tuskegee Airmen Inc. spoke out with displeasure about the new policy/removal of historical information from classes, and Air Force top brass paid attention. Would that leadership in all arenas would respond to and recognize all marginalized groups’ concerns so quickly.
The answer is YES, please, more like this! Not as a substitute for the more comprehensive information, but it was a delight this morning to open my mail and find something relatively quick and *positive.*
Reading about what he did to help so many people is inspiring. I am looking for a way to help people that are under attack today. Watching what is happening to good people who have fled suffering in their countries, or just come here for a better life for their families, being rounded up or prevented from coming here is honestly so devastating to me. How are we okay with this as a country? Where is the compassion? What can we do to help these people? Why do we think we are better than them because we had the privilege of being born here? My heart is breaking for them. My heart is breaking for this country.
Catholic community services in my area provide help for immigrants that have moved to my state. I get a letter from them three or four times a minute nth asking for people to help set up apartments for these immigrants. I’ve only done a couple times. But it’s been a great experience. We basically meet at a warehouse and load a truck with some furniture and housewares, etc., and take it to the apartment and then set up the apartment for the family. We have helped families from Somalia, and Iraq to have a good start.
The families come towards the end of us setting up and get involved in putting plates away and bathroom stuff, etc. It’s good to see them and ponder a little bit of their path and their new opportunity. Maybe this will give you some ideas. Oh and by the way, I’m not Catholic. That faith has lots of opportunities to help immigrants and others that are open to anybody to help.
Loved this mid-week story format (edited to add - now realizing today is not Wednesday....). One Life has been on my watch list, along with the Six Triple Eight on Netflix. The NASA story is timely with today being the anniversary of the Challenger disaster. I love this story about one of the people on board that Story Corp shares ever year: https://storycorps.org/animation/eyes-on-the-stars/
Honestly. Left with many questions. For example, on Tuskogee/WASP.... As concerned as we are about many aspects of government being changed/eliminated how did this reversal happen so quickly? My House zRep has yet to reply to ANY correspondence.
You can believe I will be watching One Life, even if I have to pay for it despite my tv providers. I am glad to see our voices can make a difference and I need to look up information on the WASPs.
I recently read the book One Life. I highly recommend it. Nicky is an international example of being “small and mighty.” The decision of the Air Force to reinstate those programs shows that sufficient public outcry can move the needle, and that we too can use our voices to be small and mighty.
Debbie, I love that! Every one of us is small and mighty, and moving the needle.
I’m going to my state Capitol today with the group Jobs With Justice to talk to our lawmakers about protecting our Initiative Petition process (citizens gather signatures to put laws on the ballot). We have legislators that want to make it harder and limit our voices. Just like the people that pushed back on removing that curriculum, we will be heard!
We can all inspire each other to raise our voices and be heard.
Kudos to you for heading to the capitol today!! Do we have legislators in Mn who are trying to stop the IP process? Who are they? We need to know who they are. Thank you!!
I am in MO. I can tell you we have had a Republican supermajority in MO for over 20 years, and every Republican in the MO legislature wants to “reform” our IP process to diminish/silence our voices and our power.
My suggestions are:
If you have a Republican state lawmaker, ask them where they stand on IPs.
But don’t believe them. Mine lied to my face. Always check their voting records.
Let them know where you stand, that you are watching them, and you will hold them accountable at the ballot box.
"What we do makes a difference, and so we must decide what kind of difference we want to make." I'm still searching for what I can do to make a difference, but until then, I do one small positive thing everyday. Thank you Sharon for grounding me.
Randee, that’s so cool! While you are searching, everything you’re doing is making a difference.
And everyone you’re connecting with is part of your search.
I love hearing what everyone is doing, and learning from them.
Looking forward to hearing what you’re doing, and the difference you’re making.
I needed this Preamble! Looking forward to seeing the One Life movie and happy to hear they walked back the training removal.
I loved this morning's read! Something substantive (as you always are) about current events with glimpse on the side of light when there's darkness all around.
I enjoyed this format. My question is how did people express their dissatisfaction with the decision to shut down programs that taught about Tuskegee Airmen etc? Did they call and write to their US legislators or Air Force leadership? Or were the newspaper headlines calling out the decision to stop teaching about diverse groups in the military enough to get military leaders’ attention?
Personally I don't think newspaper headlines are enough. I think we do need to reach out to our Congressional representatives and let them know how we feel (both when we agree and disagree!) There was also significant social media activity related to this as well.
When I read the full article I realized that the group Tuskegee Airmen Inc. spoke out with displeasure about the new policy/removal of historical information from classes, and Air Force top brass paid attention. Would that leadership in all arenas would respond to and recognize all marginalized groups’ concerns so quickly.
The answer is YES, please, more like this! Not as a substitute for the more comprehensive information, but it was a delight this morning to open my mail and find something relatively quick and *positive.*
Yes! I enjoyed this glimpse format too but please don't stop doing your deep dives Sharon. I've learned so much from you! Thank you!
Reading about what he did to help so many people is inspiring. I am looking for a way to help people that are under attack today. Watching what is happening to good people who have fled suffering in their countries, or just come here for a better life for their families, being rounded up or prevented from coming here is honestly so devastating to me. How are we okay with this as a country? Where is the compassion? What can we do to help these people? Why do we think we are better than them because we had the privilege of being born here? My heart is breaking for them. My heart is breaking for this country.
Catholic community services in my area provide help for immigrants that have moved to my state. I get a letter from them three or four times a minute nth asking for people to help set up apartments for these immigrants. I’ve only done a couple times. But it’s been a great experience. We basically meet at a warehouse and load a truck with some furniture and housewares, etc., and take it to the apartment and then set up the apartment for the family. We have helped families from Somalia, and Iraq to have a good start.
The families come towards the end of us setting up and get involved in putting plates away and bathroom stuff, etc. It’s good to see them and ponder a little bit of their path and their new opportunity. Maybe this will give you some ideas. Oh and by the way, I’m not Catholic. That faith has lots of opportunities to help immigrants and others that are open to anybody to help.
Loved this mid-week story format (edited to add - now realizing today is not Wednesday....). One Life has been on my watch list, along with the Six Triple Eight on Netflix. The NASA story is timely with today being the anniversary of the Challenger disaster. I love this story about one of the people on board that Story Corp shares ever year: https://storycorps.org/animation/eyes-on-the-stars/
Six Triple Eight is SO good!
Six Triple Eight was AMAAAZING
Amber thank you for putting the link to Story Corp in your comment.
Thank you for sharing. “Ronald saw it as science possibility”.
Honestly. Left with many questions. For example, on Tuskogee/WASP.... As concerned as we are about many aspects of government being changed/eliminated how did this reversal happen so quickly? My House zRep has yet to reply to ANY correspondence.
Yes, please more things to think about!
Loved this format! Easily digestible ❤️
Starting the day by reading this is so positive. More please!
Big fan of this quick and easy format and would love to see it now and then!
You can believe I will be watching One Life, even if I have to pay for it despite my tv providers. I am glad to see our voices can make a difference and I need to look up information on the WASPs.
Love it. Enjoyed reading this format. 💜