I will not be watching. I agree with rep. Crockett that it being MLK day I'd rather use the day to remember the late, great American who held up and voiced our greatest of ideals. I find any celebration or NORMALIZING what is happening to our country totally repulsive. I don't think I could be any sadder. :-(

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I will definitely do something to honor Dr. King instead, knowing that no one who voted for this wants his history or any other black Americans taught again and instead demonized and swept under the rug. I will use the day to do the opposite and every day after.

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Fran, I also will be honoring Dr. King. I am attending a Women’s Forum in KCMO where will remember his legacy, and commit to work together for a fair, compassionate government that serves everyone.

I’d love to hear how you and others will be observing the day.

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I will be at an organization that I regularly/weekly volunteer with called Green Chair here in Raleigh NC. It is our yearly MLK drive, working that day with a slew of other non-profits at our facility. There is also a reenactment of MLK speeches at a nearby church.

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Fran, Reading all of that is so inspiring and makes my heart smile. I hope other Governerds share their plans, so we all can be inspired.

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This. Exactly. I will also be honoring Martin Luther King on the day dedicated to his legacy.

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I can’t bear the thought of watching it. I’m still baffled by the fact that over half our country wants this man as our president. Very sad and fearful for our future.

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There are over 346M citizens in the USA. 77M voted for DJT. That’s just 22%. I hope this helps. It’s the Pareto Principle. (80/20 rule). Imagine if we all organized something…. Let’s say we called it The Governerds…. And we made a real difference and Principle won over Party? I’m here for it!

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This is so helpful to put this in context! And yes, we all can make the difference.

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Over half of our country did not vote for him. Please don't help him exaggerate his numbers

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Same. I am beyond words at this point.

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I will not be watching the inauguration. If it were any other President (Republican or Democrat), I would. Since he was elected in November, I’ve tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, he has shown time and time again that he is not a President for all, only for those who voted for him. I sincerely wish him great success (with success meaning improving the lives of all Americans) and will support the positive things his administration employs, but I can’t bring myself to watch the inauguration. His words and actions are not those of a leader.

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I couldn’t have said it better. I had such high hopes, even though I didn’t vote for him. I was willing to be wrong. Now I feel just like I did when the second plane hit the second tower on 9-11. That sick feeling of knowing exactly what was going down…

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The first time he was elected at least he had some people around him who had experience. This time he is surrounded by people with no qualifying experience--except loyalty and a$$ kissing.

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Well said. My thoughts exactly. Thank you.

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I will not be watching a man with such low moral character being sworn in as president. I will be honoring Dr. King & remembering what he stood for.

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Wow, the money changers are in the Temple! Paying $100,000. to attend a church service with Trump.

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Just imagine what else could be done with that money, including helping citizens of CA right now. And, yes, that goes for all money raised for inaugural funds, regardless of party.

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Instead he is hurting the people of California by spreading dis-information and lies.

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I wonder if the two Corinthians will also be there. I hear people like them. https://youtu.be/8EIgHsGZAmk

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I will not be watching any of the events. I know Trump was elected and I'm all for the peaceful transfer of power, but I refuse to celebrate a man, who I consider his actions in 2021 to be traitorous, taking office again. It is hard to be excited about someone coming to power who took an oath to protect the Constitution in 2017, and then completely ignored that oath in 2021.

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And has continued to disparage our country even after being elected.

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I will not be watching. This man tried to overthrow our government after he lost an election, and we are going to give him another shot at it. It is sheer insanity. The best predictor of someone’s future behavior is their past behavior.

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So true…

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You couldn't pay me to watch Satan's puppet. I cringe at the sound of his voice 😬

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The fact that access to the president can be purchased is sickening. Trump is openly for sale and does not bother to hide that fact. He’s the equivalent of the Gucci bags that are sold on the sidewalks of New York. Poorly constructed, obviously fake and pretending to be something he clearly is not. Like that fake Gucci he’s already unraveling at the seams and the shoddiness is apparent. There are far too many people in this country who prefer questionable style over actual substance.

I will not be watching.

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I can’t think of anything I’d want to do less than watch his inauguration. It’s a no from me.

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I would not watch it if someone pays me. I feel like it is like celebrating Hitler coming to office.

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That's exactly how I've been feeling. I'm still in denial and I'm going to stay there and hope that I wake up one day with this all being a bad dream.

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I would rather stick needles in my eyes than watch that

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Will not be watching or attending. I refuse to normalize this corrupt man and his presidency.

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I watched his 2016 inauguration with hopes it would be ok. I am not watching his 2024 inauguration, nothing he is showing me in his words and actions show it’s going to be better than his last term.

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I most likely will not be watching the inauguration. I struggle a little with it being on the same day as Martin Luther King day. I struggle a little with Donald Trump having a problem with the flag being waved at half mast. I struggled a lot with the opulence of the whole thing. The millions of dollars that are donated to be able to attend. Sounds a whole lot like buying influence. Yet somehow in this country we’re OK with that. Makes little to no sense to me. All that money donated, all the luxury and opulence, all the buying of influence, is not reflective of the common folks and good folks of this country.

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Well said!

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I will not be watching. I cannot watch an authoritarian, felon, rapist- on and on and on -become the next president.

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