Only in America, where the people voted for a bunch of billionaires who will protect their own wealth and ways of increasing it at all costs, even taking healthcare away from the most vulnerable. Our only hope is that Republicans fight so much among themselves over the levels of cruelty to inflict that they end up doing nothing. How many calls to a Senator from concerned constituents does it take to equal one call from Elon Musk threatening to fund that Senator’s primary challenger?
I am a healthcare provider in Alabama and also the sister of an adult with cerebral palsy who is fully dependent on the already meager funds she receives from unexpanded Medicaid. I am horrified and am in tears this morning; for my patients, my family, and America.
I am with you and see you. ❤️ It’s scary times. To ask everyone on Medicaid to be seeking employment speaks to the disconnect of their understanding of who benefits from these services. My 75 year old father with severe dementia who doesn’t know his name, where he is at, and can’t walk would be a valuable employee. 🙄 It’s scary times for sure.
I had to read that part twice to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding. Anyone who thinks employment should be a condition for health-care coverage under Medicaid is indeed too disconnected from reality to be weighing in on the issue
Yes, this! My sister’s sweet, precious dream is to drive an ambulance. From a human standpoint that she wishes she could do that? Precious! Heart brimming with pride. I wish she could have a life in which that were possible for her. In a reality standpoint? No ma’am. No one would be okay. Straight to jail. Absolutely, immediately no. It’s ABSURD that changes like this could be in our future down here. 🤯
Naomi, I share your worry. I have a 45-year old sister with CP too. We already supplement to help make her life work, to have her lose income, to worry about fulfilling some kind of work requirement, to have to go back to helping her re-apply for medicaid every year, I can't even.
Medicaid largely serves children and those with disabilities. This will have a direct negative impact to our most vulnerable patients and destabilize pediatric healthcare which is already shrinking due to the weight of adult healthcare. I am a pediatrician who cares for patients with medical complexity/fragility. These families often run mini-ICUs at home to keep their children out of the hospital. Caring for a child or adult who needs help with 100% of activities of daily living is a job just not a paid one. Parents love their kids but they can’t be expected to stay awake 24/7/365 like a nurse and also work a full time job. Medicaid provides some home nursing hours as private insurance does not. The hours are never enough, but it’s something. We are better when we care for everyone. To those shouting fiscal responsibility, it is cheaper as a whole to provide some coverage than none at all. Sick and emergent care is much more expensive than preventative care. Also people will surely die without lifesaving medications, supplies, and treatments.
I don't really understand the logic of claiming religious exemptions here. If you're religious, and you think something is "sinful," why is it your right to deny someone who doesn't have that same belief care? Why would "freedom of religion" mean that others are essentially forced to observe the same thing, if they don't have that belief? Why is the religious freedom of an EMPLOYER more important than the religious freedom of the EMPLOYEE?
k8 -- While I personally abhor employers who use "religion" as an excuse to disrespect their employees--here is the answer to your question: If I, as an employer am required to purchase (pay/subsidize) insurance premiums for my employees...the policy should not include coverage for specific things that violate my First Amendment religious freedoms. In essence, this forces me to--in part--support those 'things.'
I get it, but also by that logic, I grew up a pacifist member of the Mennonite religion. Paying taxes supports war. War is against my religion. Wouldn't forcing me to pay the taxes that support the war violate my religious freedom?
We keep hearing that we have a spending problem, but what I see is a problem that was created by not having the wealthiest pay their fair share. This makes me sick.
Children and those with disabilities who largely utilize Medicaid dollars are not scabs. They also can not work. Kids should have health insurance regardless of parents working or not. They have no voice or vote in the matter, and their lack of health in childhood has significant impacts to all of us as they eventually grow into adults.
Sure, I can agree with you that many people have taken chances and become wealthy. However, some of wealthiest are getting massive tax breaks. Most business owners are not getting any tax breaks. We need to stop the narrative that the richest just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and saying that they just worked hard. They have a direct line to our government and lobby to get what’s best for their wallets.
Thank you for the summary. I currently support my parents and brother financially. It’s part of a long, sad and difficult situation. My brother receives subsidies with his ACA plan, and we are in a state that will not expand Medicaid - has refused so far and with the new federal admin, for sure won’t change that position. This means that likely this is the last year of subsidies. What will people do at the end of this year? I already supplement housing and household expenses but I can’t take on a $700 insurance payment for my brother as well, so I’m assuming people in his situation just go without insurance? Anything we can do to help influence the situation? I’m trying to stay level headed but I voted for a different admin, and it feels now we just have to be on the receiving end of all the terrible things we warned others about that could happen! And I didn’t touch on access to BC and cancer screenings - but those are things that can affect my early adult kids on my own policy as well. Feels like - I need some action oriented work to do against a wave of bad things to come!
Imagine spending so much time of your life to make sure people didn’t have access to basic healthcare?? The religious exceptions. Just what Jesus would do.
The overarching theme I keep finding when hearing about possible plans for this new administration is sowing distrust in experts of their fields. I can’t wrap my head around why people believe we shouldn’t trust the people that have spent years learning, training, and working in their specific field. I trust my mechanic to fix my car, I trust my physician to look after my health, and I trust that anyone on a government task force has the knowledge to be there. I don’t want a president just deciding who should be making policies that could have large effects on me and the rest of the population - I want the most knowledgeable people possible making those policies. As a pharmacist, the ramifications of this case are scaring me.
Trump--whether in business or politics--surrounds himself with people who are *mostly* unqualified. This allows him to feel superior and in control at every turn. He absolutely HATES being challenged. And, the easiest way to avoid being challenged by an expert is to simply disallow any experts in the room.
Greed is one of the deadly sins for a reason. This will devastate our communities. One more day of waking up to nauseating evil. I will contact each of my legislators repeatedly including the R one. I will get up and volunteer today. It is what I am able to do.
Things that may go away ....“cancer screenings, preventive medications for chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, counseling on health behaviors related to nutrition and weight management, alcohol and drug use, tobacco cessation services, screening for depression, and prenatal services.” please explain why they object to any of these? Shouldn't the goal of any insurance be to keep the people healthy? How is not paying for any if the above services wrong or against religion? Just trying to understand here not be oppositional. Thanks.
Nah. Insurance has inserted themselves as the middlemen to profit from sick people. Doctors certainly do want to keep people healthy. We need to abolish the middlemen. After all, you don't make money from preventive care and healthy people; you need sick people who will have long-term illne$$es. But I agree with you; our system is f'd up and people are hypocrites.
Well maybe I am older than you but they have been Scrooge in my book since 1981 when President Reagan’ s USDA folk tried to claim Ketchup and dill pickle relish were suitable vegetables in school lunch programs to cut 1 billion dollars from child nutrition programs.
the plans with medicaid will absolutely effect the poorer states. I'm from the Mississippi Delta and I've seen this repeatedly. Taking away healthcare and reducing services will absolutely obliterate an already poor state. And Mississippi is not alone in this. If you want to help lift people out of poverty (which I do), taking away preventative care and services from people who can't afford it sounds like the wrong direction.
To be frank, I am so sick of people using THEIR personal religion to negatively impact the rest of the country through legislation. Your religion doesn't prohibit me from doing anything, it prohibits you. More people need to understand this.
As the oldest sister of a beautiful young woman who is permanently disabled by cerebral palsy and other related factors, she is completely dependent on the limited funds she receives every month. She is lucky enough to have family members who can help supplement and provide her with the "extras" to make her life more comfortable. To have to worry that we might have to figure out how to replace her "income" because that's where government overspending and overreach exists, is horrifying.
Only in America, where the people voted for a bunch of billionaires who will protect their own wealth and ways of increasing it at all costs, even taking healthcare away from the most vulnerable. Our only hope is that Republicans fight so much among themselves over the levels of cruelty to inflict that they end up doing nothing. How many calls to a Senator from concerned constituents does it take to equal one call from Elon Musk threatening to fund that Senator’s primary challenger?
I am a healthcare provider in Alabama and also the sister of an adult with cerebral palsy who is fully dependent on the already meager funds she receives from unexpanded Medicaid. I am horrified and am in tears this morning; for my patients, my family, and America.
I am with you and see you. ❤️ It’s scary times. To ask everyone on Medicaid to be seeking employment speaks to the disconnect of their understanding of who benefits from these services. My 75 year old father with severe dementia who doesn’t know his name, where he is at, and can’t walk would be a valuable employee. 🙄 It’s scary times for sure.
I had to read that part twice to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding. Anyone who thinks employment should be a condition for health-care coverage under Medicaid is indeed too disconnected from reality to be weighing in on the issue
Yes, this! My sister’s sweet, precious dream is to drive an ambulance. From a human standpoint that she wishes she could do that? Precious! Heart brimming with pride. I wish she could have a life in which that were possible for her. In a reality standpoint? No ma’am. No one would be okay. Straight to jail. Absolutely, immediately no. It’s ABSURD that changes like this could be in our future down here. 🤯
You are not alone. This is horrifying but not surprising. The fact that you are not alone means midterms are terribly important
Yes. My heart hurts for you and our country. You are not alone. We are here with you and for you.
Naomi, I share your worry. I have a 45-year old sister with CP too. We already supplement to help make her life work, to have her lose income, to worry about fulfilling some kind of work requirement, to have to go back to helping her re-apply for medicaid every year, I can't even.
Medicaid largely serves children and those with disabilities. This will have a direct negative impact to our most vulnerable patients and destabilize pediatric healthcare which is already shrinking due to the weight of adult healthcare. I am a pediatrician who cares for patients with medical complexity/fragility. These families often run mini-ICUs at home to keep their children out of the hospital. Caring for a child or adult who needs help with 100% of activities of daily living is a job just not a paid one. Parents love their kids but they can’t be expected to stay awake 24/7/365 like a nurse and also work a full time job. Medicaid provides some home nursing hours as private insurance does not. The hours are never enough, but it’s something. We are better when we care for everyone. To those shouting fiscal responsibility, it is cheaper as a whole to provide some coverage than none at all. Sick and emergent care is much more expensive than preventative care. Also people will surely die without lifesaving medications, supplies, and treatments.
I don't really understand the logic of claiming religious exemptions here. If you're religious, and you think something is "sinful," why is it your right to deny someone who doesn't have that same belief care? Why would "freedom of religion" mean that others are essentially forced to observe the same thing, if they don't have that belief? Why is the religious freedom of an EMPLOYER more important than the religious freedom of the EMPLOYEE?
k8 -- While I personally abhor employers who use "religion" as an excuse to disrespect their employees--here is the answer to your question: If I, as an employer am required to purchase (pay/subsidize) insurance premiums for my employees...the policy should not include coverage for specific things that violate my First Amendment religious freedoms. In essence, this forces me to--in part--support those 'things.'
I get it, but also by that logic, I grew up a pacifist member of the Mennonite religion. Paying taxes supports war. War is against my religion. Wouldn't forcing me to pay the taxes that support the war violate my religious freedom?
The IRS has an entire section of its website devoted to "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments" (appears to have been last updated March 2022). Here's their response to your question:
i dunno man, i'm pretty sure god said no murder
We keep hearing that we have a spending problem, but what I see is a problem that was created by not having the wealthiest pay their fair share. This makes me sick.
Oh, no, Kristin! Please don’t get sick! Insurance won’t pay for it.
Seriously, I agree. Greed is both a sickness, and the cause of sickness.
Children and those with disabilities who largely utilize Medicaid dollars are not scabs. They also can not work. Kids should have health insurance regardless of parents working or not. They have no voice or vote in the matter, and their lack of health in childhood has significant impacts to all of us as they eventually grow into adults.
Sure, I can agree with you that many people have taken chances and become wealthy. However, some of wealthiest are getting massive tax breaks. Most business owners are not getting any tax breaks. We need to stop the narrative that the richest just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and saying that they just worked hard. They have a direct line to our government and lobby to get what’s best for their wallets.
Thank you for the summary. I currently support my parents and brother financially. It’s part of a long, sad and difficult situation. My brother receives subsidies with his ACA plan, and we are in a state that will not expand Medicaid - has refused so far and with the new federal admin, for sure won’t change that position. This means that likely this is the last year of subsidies. What will people do at the end of this year? I already supplement housing and household expenses but I can’t take on a $700 insurance payment for my brother as well, so I’m assuming people in his situation just go without insurance? Anything we can do to help influence the situation? I’m trying to stay level headed but I voted for a different admin, and it feels now we just have to be on the receiving end of all the terrible things we warned others about that could happen! And I didn’t touch on access to BC and cancer screenings - but those are things that can affect my early adult kids on my own policy as well. Feels like - I need some action oriented work to do against a wave of bad things to come!
Yes! I love the info, but suggestions on how to affect outcomes would also be great info.
Imagine spending so much time of your life to make sure people didn’t have access to basic healthcare?? The religious exceptions. Just what Jesus would do.
The overarching theme I keep finding when hearing about possible plans for this new administration is sowing distrust in experts of their fields. I can’t wrap my head around why people believe we shouldn’t trust the people that have spent years learning, training, and working in their specific field. I trust my mechanic to fix my car, I trust my physician to look after my health, and I trust that anyone on a government task force has the knowledge to be there. I don’t want a president just deciding who should be making policies that could have large effects on me and the rest of the population - I want the most knowledgeable people possible making those policies. As a pharmacist, the ramifications of this case are scaring me.
Trump--whether in business or politics--surrounds himself with people who are *mostly* unqualified. This allows him to feel superior and in control at every turn. He absolutely HATES being challenged. And, the easiest way to avoid being challenged by an expert is to simply disallow any experts in the room.
Came here to say exactly this.
Greed is one of the deadly sins for a reason. This will devastate our communities. One more day of waking up to nauseating evil. I will contact each of my legislators repeatedly including the R one. I will get up and volunteer today. It is what I am able to do.
This is so infuriating. Strictly about greed & control. How sad that so many people were raised to have no empathy for their fellow humans.
My first thought was to eliminate the healthcare coverage of those that propose to eliminate others’.
Things that may go away ....“cancer screenings, preventive medications for chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, counseling on health behaviors related to nutrition and weight management, alcohol and drug use, tobacco cessation services, screening for depression, and prenatal services.” please explain why they object to any of these? Shouldn't the goal of any insurance be to keep the people healthy? How is not paying for any if the above services wrong or against religion? Just trying to understand here not be oppositional. Thanks.
Nah. Insurance has inserted themselves as the middlemen to profit from sick people. Doctors certainly do want to keep people healthy. We need to abolish the middlemen. After all, you don't make money from preventive care and healthy people; you need sick people who will have long-term illne$$es. But I agree with you; our system is f'd up and people are hypocrites.
Yes we have sick-care not healthcare
"Health care costs are outrageous in this country!"
"Insurance companies are seeing record-breaking profits!"
What are we going to do about it?
Make it harder for people to have insurance and give them less coverage when they do.
The poor will get poorer and sicker.
The Republican leadership has turned into Ebenezer Scrooge.
Well maybe I am older than you but they have been Scrooge in my book since 1981 when President Reagan’ s USDA folk tried to claim Ketchup and dill pickle relish were suitable vegetables in school lunch programs to cut 1 billion dollars from child nutrition programs.
the plans with medicaid will absolutely effect the poorer states. I'm from the Mississippi Delta and I've seen this repeatedly. Taking away healthcare and reducing services will absolutely obliterate an already poor state. And Mississippi is not alone in this. If you want to help lift people out of poverty (which I do), taking away preventative care and services from people who can't afford it sounds like the wrong direction.
To be frank, I am so sick of people using THEIR personal religion to negatively impact the rest of the country through legislation. Your religion doesn't prohibit me from doing anything, it prohibits you. More people need to understand this.
As the oldest sister of a beautiful young woman who is permanently disabled by cerebral palsy and other related factors, she is completely dependent on the limited funds she receives every month. She is lucky enough to have family members who can help supplement and provide her with the "extras" to make her life more comfortable. To have to worry that we might have to figure out how to replace her "income" because that's where government overspending and overreach exists, is horrifying.