Aug 13·edited Aug 13

This is incredibly disturbing. At one point, she quotes “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.” Although meant as an attack on the left, I feel like this ironically epitomizes the former president’s administration, the disastrous transition of power in 2021 (leading up to and including Jan 6), and his current campaign strategy. As a physician, I still haven’t recovered from the lies he told the public at the beginning of the pandemic, and the subsequent public health chaos he ignited. This election is so important.

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"Repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it" immediately stood out to me too!

And then when they went on to say, "What's the first thing you think of when you hear climate change: Population control." 😱 What?! That's literally the last place my mind goes to when I hear climate change. But what is clear is that population control is what they want their audiences to associate with climate change --that's a lie they are repeating.

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I agree!!

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This is what I was thinking but I couldn’t figure out how to word it. Very well put!

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When I heard her say that I had these exact same thoughts.

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I had the same thoughts!

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That was my immediate thought as well when I listened to the first 2 videos. But that has been Trump and the MAGA playbook all along - level charges and accusations at the opponent while doing the thing they claim the other is doing. Very disturbing indeed.

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It’s so disturbing to hear the same arguments of both sides. It makes it so much easier to keep things extremely divisive. Both sides think the other is a threat to democracy, both sides think the other is after population control, both sides use comparisons to Stalin and Hitler. It’s truly incredible.

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I am in no way a fan of Donald Trump, but he had a great deal of company spreading false information about the pandemic. His was not the face we saw every day sparking fear in the same of “science”.

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I choked on my coffee at "equity must be eradicated." And social justice as well, apparently? I genuinely don't understand how those concepts are seen as bad words to some. Isn't justice a pillar to a functioning democratic republic to prevent the abuse of power? Didn't our beloved constitution set forth that "all men are created equal" (despite consistently being loosely interpreted) from day one? I'm so deeply confused.

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The cognitive dissonance is just wild. The creators of P25 really are hell-bent on showing us who they are, eh?

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The Pledge, “…and Justice for all”?

So who’s twisting words, now?

Deeply confused is what they’re going for. Thank you, Sharon, for providing clarity!

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So it is a problem to want justice for all people within the US or only the ones that agree with you? THAT is the inherent problem.

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Can you explain more what you mean? I think Danielle and Gina are pointing out the inherent contradiction in saying that "equity must be eradicated" in a country where our Constitution and Pledge proclaim equality and justice for all.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14

Sure, I'll do my best! Yes, fully agree in equality and justice for all. But equality and equity do not mean the same thing.

In this case, equity is focusing more on the color of ones skin and the oppressor/oppressed mindset to make decisions on an individual - what they get, what they get accepted into, how people think of them, opportunities they receive, how they are treated in the eyes of the law, etc. It is not based on merit. This is a problem and has done a lot of harm to many people who don't fit a certain mold. It is racism in a different form.

Equality is (or at least what it should be) that everyone gets the same opportunities. I am no fool to know that this hasn't happened and we should continue to push for real equality. But equity isn't it.

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The best example of equity vs equality is that equality means that everyone gets a pair of shoes. Equity means that everyone gets a pair of shoes that fit. So just because we all technically get the same thing, it doesn’t necessarily work. Does that make sense?

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So, I read this and my takeaway was that the supposition is that white privilege isn’t a thing and therefore the steps taken for awareness is some sort of propaganda, which I inherently disagree with. So it’s basically an ideology difference. The idea of “color blind equality” just doesn’t exist. When I started working for FEMA a few years ago I was privileged to work with a vast spectrum of professionals from all walks of life and it was very eye opening for me to realize that people of color live by a different set of rules. When they travel they avoid driving at night, they avoid shortcuts or back roads, they avoid stopping in certain areas because they just don’t know what they’re going to encounter in terms of law enforcement. Stuff that’s completely off my radar. Also, the classes that he mentions that are offered or required seem to me to bring awareness and therefore empathy, not guilt. And his statement about white Europeans being the scapegoat for all the evil in the world discounts the fact that our ancestors DID do a lot of harm. Not that other cultures didn’t, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing to acknowledge wrongdoing so we don’t repeat history. Anyway, that was my take and I appreciate you linking it. It’s good to read other opinions.

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Yes, in theory. But that is not what is happening in practice. As I mentioned above, the idea is a good one but what is happening is really a different form of racism. Here is an article that talks about it in regards to DEI at universities and touches. Make of it what you will. https://christopherrufo.com/p/how-dei-corrupts-americas-universities

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Good grief, the more I learn about project 2025, the worse it gets

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Agreed. It’s quite terrifying.

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It truly is fascinating just how much the Overton window has shifted to the Right in my lifetime. I never thought I'd see the day when "equity" and "justice" would seem like Leftist terms?? It breaks my heart to see so many people in our country programmed to feel so scared of these ideas. There is balance in all things, and we always need healthy parties on the left and right of topics! But this dramatic shift to the right by targeted Conservative media and SCOTUS efforts is just so disheartening to witness in real time.

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In one video they tell you that they control the narrative and you must “vet any language used in memos, etc” and in the next they state the Left is trying to control the narrative through use of language…

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"Our enemies are both weak and strong"

-Every Authoritarian, ever

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Ha! This is on point!

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"If you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it." Uuhhhmmm ... isn't that interesting. Isn't that what Trump has been doing for years?

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Climate change = population control? This is the most ridiculous statement. Fear mongering at its best.

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It’s the same rhetoric used during the pandemic. Like it’s only a United States issue and not a global one.

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It's also the same rhetoric being used around the economy, like inflation is uniquely happening to Americans and only because of America's president.

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So true!

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Climate change isn't real? 😭 I so badly want my children and potential grandchildren (and all children!) to grow up in a healthy earthly environment, and in a democracy.

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This has been in the works for decades. I read an article many years ago; the author warned about the Right’s gerrymandering, their intent to take over the courts, and their dismantling of voting rights. I wish I could remember who wrote it but it was scary then and it’s even more terrifying now. All of this is for power, nothing more. This won’t make the United States a better country nor will it improve the quality of life for the masses. It breaks my heart while it also enrages me.

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Oh! I wish you could remember the article! If you do at some point, will you come back to share the link?

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I’m not sure I’ll remember; I’ve tried for a long time to recall who wrote it and where I saw it. I will absolutely share if I come across it.

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The more I learn about this project, the more terrifying it is. I’m trying not to live in fear, but even the language they use (another American revolution?!) does not bode well.

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This makes me a little sick to my stomach. I know Sharon makes every effort to be nonpartisan, but I'll say it: Project 2025 is one of the big reasons why I'm voting for Harris. I'm disgusted by these videos. Anyone who thinks Trump's distancing from the Project is real is hiding under a rock.

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I think that Project 2025 is not a partisan issue but rather a danger to us all. Objectively. Factually.

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I think this is where the maxim that "You're electing an administration, not just a president" is so important to keep in mind: if Trump is serious about distancing himself then he needs to vow not to hire or appoint anyone who had a hand in the creation of Project 2025. That's the only kind of distancing that is worth any credibility.

(Admittedly, that will be hard to do given his VP candidate. Vice Presidents generally have little power or influence, but as we have so recently seen, the Vice President does exist to step in should the President be unable to serve. Voting for an older candidate like Trump does mean you're also voting for Vance and the policies that he holds dear, should Trump be unable to complete a four-year term.)

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Now that is scary and you might be doing just what she is trying to achieve.

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Could you explain more what you mean?

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I thought George Orwell wrote fiction.

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Apparently he wrote a “how to” manual.

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I was just going to post the same thing. It sounds like a manual on how to control people.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

The Authoritarian Playbook; Now with Videos!

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Oh, brother . . . You're right!

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Are these not bad faith arguments? It's frustrating that they portray social/climate justice efforts as Marxist and controlling.

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Thank you for every bit of this! It is such a huge public service! I am so excited to learn everything there is to know about P25. It is still scary, but because it is no longer secret, I feel empowered.

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I can’t believe people put this in writing and were willing to show their faces!

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