Your morning message is a great way to start the day. Here's one reason. I woke up feeling a bit--no, a lot--unhinged by the current campaign to overthrow America. Then, in another newsletter, the Preamble to our Constitution was shared. I copied it and it is now a page on my computer that I can click on anytime I want to be reminded what this is all about. There will be a lot of clicking. Then, comes along the PREAMBLE. What a brilliant, timely, foundational title for the graduate course in America, Yes you offer.
My wish for you this morning is that you enjoy the satisfaction you deserve for your immense contribution to making good on the challenging promise that preamble delivered almost 250 years ago. What position, then, can we assert today?
Good Morning Sharon,
Your morning message is a great way to start the day. Here's one reason. I woke up feeling a bit--no, a lot--unhinged by the current campaign to overthrow America. Then, in another newsletter, the Preamble to our Constitution was shared. I copied it and it is now a page on my computer that I can click on anytime I want to be reminded what this is all about. There will be a lot of clicking. Then, comes along the PREAMBLE. What a brilliant, timely, foundational title for the graduate course in America, Yes you offer.
My wish for you this morning is that you enjoy the satisfaction you deserve for your immense contribution to making good on the challenging promise that preamble delivered almost 250 years ago. What position, then, can we assert today?
I vote "yes."
Thank you. I’m grateful for your service. I’m grateful- always- for some calm discussion when I am feeling so overwhelmed.
Not sure how to best contact you. Here's an update on Texas v. Bacerra that you may want to highlight this week.