Oct 8Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you Sharon! My emergency management colleagues and I are working 12-16 hour days 7 days a week (FEMA is at 24/7 operations) to get all Helene survivors and communities everything they need to start rebuilding their lives and homes and businesses. This misinformation has started to transition into threats against us and we’ve been given safety and security briefs to keep ourselves safe from outraged people while we’re doing this important work. Grateful to everyone in this community who can help dispel the misinformation and keep us safe while we keep going for Americans in the southeast. ❤️

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I have a friend who works for FEMA and I see how hard you all are working. I know it’s not easy right now 💜

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Thanks to all of you for your dedication. You are making the world a better place!

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Thank you to you and everything your colleges do. All the lies make your jobs harder.

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Thank you for the work you're doing!

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Thank you and your colleagues for your hard work and perseverance. You are invaluable!

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I’ve seen videos/FB posts of people working on the ground who’ve claimed FEMA has turned them away from helping. My guess is that they don’t want to further endanger people or have too many boots on the ground, but can you give any additional insight as to why FEMA might turn away volunteer help?

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I looked on their website to find that out. FEMA itself doesn’t take volunteer help. They ask that if you want to volunteer you coordinate with other organizations, nonprofits, charities, etc to do so.

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That’s fair! But it seemed to me the implication was that separately organized volunteers were being turned away from certain areas. Perhaps FEMA and/or local authorities were indicating they needed to organize with “higher ups” before heading into certain areas?

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

If the volunteers are organized they should be organizing with local/federal governments/agencies as well. It's often the disorganization that leads to volunteers trying to go down roads that might be closed or enter areas that have been deemed too dangerous for civilians.

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I’m not completely sure but I did see a local post that said that sometimes the greatest need is not where people first show up. Sometimes there is better need elsewhere and it’s best to be flexible in that way. Like if you want to use your chainsaws to cut fallen trees but there are enough people for that, be flexible enough to go help sort diapers if that’s the greater need. I’m not expert of course.

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Thank you Sharon for laying out the facts. (A ncarolinian here). Another problem is one of the presidential candidates is fueling this misinformation and the people who need to read this, won't. Or won't believe it. I will try my best to share these facts. It's so awful to see these falsehoods hurting our state when people are suffering. Thank you again. Let's spread the truth and help people of Western NC!

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From the mountains of WNC just north of Asheville, I just want to say THANK YOU! I know that more and more people look to you to find the truth when they hear something completely outlandish and I, for one, am grateful you take the time to do this. Also, just so you know your words about disagreement don’t fall on deaf ears, I went back and forth with a guy in the comments section of a Yahoo News story on this very subject, literally all day. He was very angry in the beginning but with a little humor and lots of facts, here is where we ended up:

Cliff responding

“I will say one thing for you. You are very tenacious, and persistent and that is not meant to be a criticism, but a compliment. You are well informed and presented a lively conversation. We still disagree on some issues and this banter could go on forever, so let me just conclude that you are a very worthy opponent and while we still disagree on some issues you have earned my respect and good wishes.”

Made me feel like there may be hope for America after all!

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Hi Sharon, I live in NC and like list of us are using social media to track what is going on in the western part of the state to figure out where we can help for the state we love so much. I saw the misinformation posts start popping up and people conveying the same messages through comments. I tried to track a few down by looking at their profiles. Some did see me to be real people who were not in NC. I saw “digital media creator” in profiles. The speed with which the messaging arose m, the profiles of the posters, the coordination with Trump’s messaging and the recent reporting (WaPost?) about international money flowing in to support misinformation campaigns - these aren’t just random people steeped in Fox news - where are these messages originating? How are they getting pushed out for posting to “digital media creators”? How is the coordination happening? We need lots more reporting in this. Thank you for all you do! ❤️

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Good questions. And I suspect that there's a lot of foreign actors boosting these lies. Of course, there are plenty of "real people" with lots to gain off the suffering of Americans who are starting these lies and amplifying them. There are at least 2 social media platforms owned by people who gain from those lies.

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Thank you! I’m from WNC, now in FL facing Milton, and am battling misinformation within my family (sister-in-law) who believes the lies. Waking up to some sanity is a welcome reprieve.

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I am incredibly disheartened by the misinformation swirling around this situation (I am a North Carolinian). The hard part is so many people are posting Fox news clips and articles! So when I say, "sources telling you this are not telling the truth/are unreliable" their response is that "IT'S IN THE NEWS." I genuinely don't know how to get them to listen to any fact that disputes what they believe. I'm heading towards needing to get off the internet right now.

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Fox News is the 2024 version of The National Enquirer and other tabloid rags out there.

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I tried to have similar discussions with family members. I concluded that we are looking at different sources of “facts” and until we can agree on reliable sources to use when conducting our “research,” we will just have to stick to non-politicized topics. I am using the realization to explore more of this wonderful world and engage in the diversity and richness around me.

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When pressed by the courts about spreading disinformation related to elections, Fox News admitted that they air allegations without regard for the factual accuracy of those allegations.. It's a dicey practice for a channel that brands itself as "news." Here's an excerpt from an AP article quoting a Fox News lawyer about airing disinformation:

“We never reported those to be true,” Fox lawyer Erin Murphy said. “All we ever did was provide viewers the true fact that these were allegations that were being made.”

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I’ve felt very governedy this week sharing factual information about budgets and the basic function of the three branches of government. People who don’t normally fall for misinformation have been livid, and those are definitely people who I feel like will be receptive to information that goes against the misinformation.

It’s also difficult to counter the individuals trying to help with relief efforts who share videos and posts making broad claims of no one helping other than them. I don’t want to discount what they are experiencing because this is a huge, unprecedented disaster in the area. No response is going to be perfect. It’s just not the whole picture.


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I cannot thank you enough for this, Sharon. My parents live in Western NC and were hit hard by Helene. It was a very difficult first week after, and initially everyone around me was incredibly supportive. Now, however, I have people coming to me with these exact pieces of misinformation telling me they are outraged on my behalf. I’ve tried explaining the actual truth to them, but some aren’t hearing it. I am going to send them here because, as always, you explain things so much better than I ever could. It’s been disheartening to say the least, so thank you for bringing some sanity back to a very difficult situation.

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Oct 8Liked by Sharon McMahon

Thank you for always shining light on the truth Sharon. I live in NW North Carolina and hear some version of these rumors daily.

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Thank you Sharon. I rely on you for FACTS.

BTW: how will election availability and integrity be maintained in the states affected by the hurricanes?

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Jeff Jackson posted one of his lovely, calm explainer videos yesterday. I have sent it to everyone I know who has even hinted at one of the conspiracy theories floating around. I think the most important point that most people don't know or realize is that mountain roads follow the topography of rivers. It is easier to build a road in the mountains if water has already done some of the work of clearing a path. When the rivers flood, as with Helene, the roads wash out. That has what made this recovery effort more challenging. And getting to the areas where people need help so dangerous. In a lot of cases it is too dangerous for civilians without the proper skills or gear. It is also a herculean task to organize all the volunteers when what is needed is doers.

The lies and misinformation is also putting a strain on state and local governments who have to answer endless phone calls of people calling to rail about conspiracy theories, while they could be fielding the calls of people who are in desperate need of help. I grew up in Florida and lived through Hurricane Andrew. The chaos and confusion after a storm is indescribable.

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Thank you for this! A colleague has been spreading this misinformation, and despite sending news articles that disprove what he is saying, he simply sends his own biased articles or worse, social media clips 😖 that support his beliefs. Hopefully this will help to dispel the false narrative being pushed!

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Thank you for, again, helping us know the truth.

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Thank you for this. The misinformation is unreal and it’s causing a lot of contention and heartache.

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THANK YOU, Sharon!! You are such a good example of doing (or writing) the next needed thing!! ♥️♥️♥️

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Thank you so much for this informative article with very helpful facts and links to help people and move forward. One of our friends lost his art studio with much of his artwork and I can't imagine what he and others must be dealing with now. Moving forward together is so important and your work helps very much!

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