Chris Murphy had a great response after the cr passed. He said at some point we have to draw the line and fight. At some point we have to fight fire with fire. These aren’t normal times. It’s not about winning or losing anymore. It’s not about political points. It’s now the fight for democracy. It’s so much bigger and we can’t afford to compromise on these issues because they compromise our fundamental values and the well being of our nation.

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Sen. Murphy's response was really good! Bipartisanship and crossing the aisle is great, and I want more elected officials to do that (and to continue to do that) with thoughtfulness and integrity, but when the GOP is passing something that changes the very definition of calendar time (https://www.wakeuptopolitics.com/p/house-quietly-ducks-trump-tariff) simply so they can decline a check on executive authority, then holding the opposition up as being unwilling to "cross the aisle" is just putting forth a false dichotomy: "You have to work with us no matter how we're acting, or you're the problem!"

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Yes! Exactly! Very well put. There is no compromise when one side is never willing to concede or take input into consideration.

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Totally agree. I am so glad to see you here!

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Nice to see your name today Emily 🤗 and that last sentence is how I feel lately for sure.

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Yes. This is how I feel

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How can a day not be a day? It is this underhanded, illogical nonsense that turns me away from partisanship and makes me think "burn it all down". Also "I don't care what the judges think." Laws were supposed to reign in all of this cray. It is not happening.

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It's illogical because, while it may be about the label of Democrats versus Republicans, it is NOT about being Liberal versus being Conservative (no matter how many times the MAGA folks try to reframe any critique as being "anti-conservative.") Donald Trump is not a conservative President, and MAGA is not a conservative movement. They are exactly the kind of radicals that they consider "the left" to be, and they are radically reshaping the government in their image. I think it's important to reject, and to continue to reject, the idea that this is about the classic policy struggle between two opposing schools of political thought (progressive vs conservative) and look past what the administration is saying to see what they are doing. It's not conservative. It never was.

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I fully believe this, but I had a friend point out the other day that unfortunately important words and their meanings have been co-opted and/or bastardized by the movement, such that terms that actually apply to the moment (fascism, authoritarianism, undemocratic, etc) are not useful for communicating across differences because they’ve been stripped of their meaning. The loss of shared language in our culture has been a real contributor to this mess we’re in.

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Don't reach across the aisle if you're just going to stick your hand in hot glue.

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Agree 1000%. The GOP has thrown out civility, bipartisanship, and flouts all the rules/norms of US governance and our Constitution in its grab for power and expanding it. We’ve tried for years to retain those norms w/o success. Time to firmly meet them where they are - this time calls for a real fight for those democratic norms, for all Americans. Stand up for “liberty & justice for all” as Sen John Lewis would have done.

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I do think, though, that that fight needs to be on behalf of American workers. For the past handful of years, we've tried the fight for liberty & justice and it didn't seem to matter. People don't care about the constitution and freedom if it means they can't afford food - I think that's the major lesson of Trump's win last year. Democrats need to return to their roots of fighting for blue collar workers and those who have been left behind.

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I hear you but I also don't know why anyone would think that Trump's policies would help with grocery prices. Tariffs raise prices - this is Econ 101, not exactly news. Mass deportations potentially remove agricultural workers, driving prices up. Defunding the agencies fighting bird flu drives prices up. I could go on. It is maddening when people claim to have voted based on concerns around inflation, when Trump was clearly advocating for inflationary policies!

And again, being willing to throw vulnerable people to the wolves for "economic" concerns is gross. There are too many people in the US whose philosophy is "Eff you, I got mine" rather than solidarity and mutual care.

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Your last sentence is so true. I see that a lot around me.

Also, so many of my friends and neighbors were just frankly, sold a bunch of lies and misinformation and then made decisions off that. I'm not sure what the answer is when misinformation and disinformation is rampant. I know there are many brave individuals trying combat it, but I'm not sure the people that need to see it, will see it. That, and they just discount it as "fake news". Such a sad state we're in.

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It’s so sad that those two things - fighting to uphold democratic norms, and fighting for working people - are somehow perceived as to be very different, even opposing, goals. I know for many of us on the “blue” side, these are deeply intertwined. Maybe not in practice in DC, but certainly in my heart.

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Oh yes, I fully agree. It breaks my heart that Trump's government has successfully sold the idea that government must be broken in order for the working people to thrive.

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I do find it interesting that the GOP always talks about freedom, but in this current moment a lot of that freedom is being taken away. Banning books is not freedom, banning protests is not freedom, arresting people who committed no crime and are here legally is not freedom.

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Absolutely! I also think we need to be strategic in how we are amplifying what Democrats are doing right.

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what we have to remember tho is that saying 'these aren't normal times' (they aren't but...) isn't effective because the trump voters don't want normal any more...they voted to disrupt...they are tired (afraid?) of slowly becoming a minority and having to be 'woke' and having to hide their racism (I realize many will say they aren't racist...but really)? anyway, I don't want dems to play dirty like the republicans but seems going to have to to some degree. to Sharon's question, my opinion of the dems has not diminished...still very proud of my party...we just cannot stay status quo.

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That’s fair! I think it’s more a message to Democrats than Republicans. As you said, Republicans don’t want normal. However, some Democrats are still acting like business as usual and it’s causing a fissure in the party. At this moment we need the party to unify to fight for Democracy.

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1000% !!!

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I 100% agree with this. This is a fight to save democracy. And democrats just aren’t doing enough to stand up and fight.

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Former Republican turned Independent turned Democrat here. I left the GOP because of Trump and the realization that the R leaning social policies didn’t align with my values. I also realized the vast majority of those in poverty were not lazy as I had been told (or the welfare queen) but dealt a bad hand. I saw too many people (my patients) suffer from a lack of healthcare and basic services. I wish everyone could walk a day in a hospital, because it has the power of changing hearts and minds. It forces your empathy cup to grow. That said, I agree in crossing the aisle for bipartisan work, but right now it’s time the Dems stood up to the bully. Trump is not playing by the normal rules, and if Dems keep using a tired old playbook we will keep losing. Try something, anything! I don’t care if they make some mistakes, but at least we can say we died trying. I’m not happy with Dems as want more of them to do more, but I’m most unhappy with Republicans for aligning with a bully.

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Your last sentence is exactly how I feel. I think many Democrats have gotten lost in what they think everyday people want and need, and have not listened to what everyday people actually want and need, and I don't like that. But that pales with many Republicans trotting along after the Project 2025 goals which seem to actively undermine our country and its liberties over and over again. I'm not happy with either party, but that doesn't mean I think they're equally misguided.

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Yes, Sarah and Emily! Sharon is talking about people being unhappy with D’s, but that is the lesser story. They are unhappy with D’s reaction to the R’s dismantling of our government. That is the story!

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YES Gina. It frustrates me when polls ask about dissatisfaction, but don’t clarify dissatisfaction about exactly what. I felt this strongly during the election cycle.

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Yes!! Also agree about spending a day in a hospital as a wake up call for many. There you see that suffering catches up to us all, and also that health care workers of all races and ethnicities are dedicated to saving lives and alleviating suffering. Hospitals are fantastic examples of true democracy, empathy, compassion, and hard work. Good call!

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Agreed. Or spend a day as a teacher in a public school. And agree it’s time to stand up. Capitulation is not helping us. And I’m not happy with republicans aligning with a bully either.

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I’m curious on your take of MAGA nurses as working in the hospital did not deter them 😅. I know at least 6…

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I worked with (and continue to work with) many. Let me begin by saying health care professionals, including nurses, are some of the most hard-working and critical citizens in our country. However, I think there needs to be a significantly increased focus on educating health care professionals (within their specific programs) how research works and how to understand the results of research studies. Similarly to what Margaux said above, I think if people sat with scientists and researchers and really understood their job (including biostatistics and its application to public health), they would better understand that although the CDC’s response to the pandemic could have been better, scientists did the best they could with the ever-changing information they had.

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I agree Jessica. I don’t understand how these same nurses worked Covid with me and are still on the MAGA train. Not to mention, I worked on an oncology floor and cancer research is being halted now if it’s NIH funded. I would think even without sitting down with a scientist or researcher that first hand experience would open some eyes. Our own nurse manager admitted that she wouldn’t be surprised if her husband stormed the capitol on Jan 6 and she was fine with it.

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Woah. That’s a complicated reality. I don’t know how people do the mental gymnastics to allow for Trumps policies & character assassinations; it’s absolutely bizarre. It’s equally bizarre watching half of the country agreeing to “cult like” politics

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Much of the political essays I read talk solely in terms of Libs vs Conservative, red vs blue, Democrat vs Republican. This frustrates me because I can’t label myself as either side. I tend more purple, in the middle , able to see solid solutions from both sides but also completely selfish half baked and at times dangerous ideas. I feel that I am often in the middle with overgrown political toddlers on either side of me and I just want to put them in time out chairs until they grow up.

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I know some too, and I suppose no one will ever be totally aligned. We all have different reasons for picking a party. That said I think you can remain Republican and still oppose Trump. However, it takes hard work and courage to be different than others. I’m in a blue city but all the cities around us that funnel people to work within our walls are very red. Not everyone is willing to look at their own biases, pushback against their upbringing, or hold relatives or themselves accountable. I’m still learning.

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AGREED. Extremely well said!!!

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Both parties have decreased in my favor. Dems frustrate me for their lack of organization and their seeming willingness to be led by whatever message the Republicans are pushing out at any given moment. It’s time for Dems to take the reins of the conversation - to stop responding and start directing.

But I’m also not sure how it actually fixes anything in a world where Republicans seem to take and take without much willingness to work across the aisle. Seeing Repubs flounder the bipartisan border bill that one of their own built was so, so demoralizing. American politics have become so partisan.

I won’t claim Trump is the ONLY thing dividing parties - I think party over politics strategies and the rise of social media are massive contributors, not to mention Citizens United opening the floodgates to dark money. But Trump’s abandonment of even the veneer of effort to collaborate makes things feel hopeless. And his party has followed his lead.

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Ashley, yes! But as Emily said, it is a false dichotomy! I want the D’s to match my energy, but I want the R’s to stop destroying our government. Big Difference!

I agree so much with you that T is not the only problem, it has been building for years, starting at least with Newt Gingrich. There are so many contributors, and they even wrote a playbook: Project 2025.

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I totally agree. Dems are mad at party leaders for not meeting this moment as well as they should, and for focusing on the wrong things. But yes, the alternative of Republicans' power grabs on the backs of misinformation is simply not comparable.

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I want Democrats to go to the people, traveling across the country shouting the message about the dangers of Trump/Musk destroying our democracy. The 30% of eligible voters that did not vote do not realize the dangers we face. Bernie Sanders is out there. Chris Murphy is on social media.

The time is now for a siren call to action for all elected Democrats. Their constituents deserve no less. And where are the party leaders and previously elected Democrats?

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Lifelong Republican voter turned Democrat voter the last 2 cycles ✋. I feel like the low favorability of the Democratic Party has more to do with Republican marketing than disappointment with the Democrat’s policies. The far-right takeover of the Republican Party has been in the works for 40 years now - hardcore for 20 - and finally worked to move moderates to the right in the last few years. But in my opinion, it has much less to do with what the Dems actually did (or didn’t) accomplish, and much more to do with the very loud narrative coming from the right. Having worked for and been involved in evangelical ministry, I can tell you there has been an organized, tactical plan to takeover government “in the name of Jesus”that appears to be working. I see no comparable organization on the left. And let’s face it, most people have no clue how government really works (me included prior to Sharon), and unfortunately lots aren’t interested in learning. So now we have a government moving towards authoritarianism, Christian Nationalists who feel that God’s will is finally being done, a middle that somehow felt that replacing an ineffective old man with an angry old man was a good idea, and the left whining about their ideals with no clear way to accomplish them.

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Melissa - 100% yes. Democrats are far from perfect, but Biden provided billions of dollars for climate change research and technology, they’ve protected healthcare access as much as possible despite strong republican resistance, they’ve tried to protect access to reproductive healthcare, they’ve acknowledged racial bias and dramatically improved the lives of LBGTQ+ folks, they’ve tried to improve public infrastructure and feed children. They are simply incapable of fighting the ultimate trifecta of Christian-nationalism/white supremacy, Wall Street prioritization of shareholder value above all else (desire for zero regulation and no protection for workers) and the Fox News/extremist social media rabbit hole.

Democrats lacked the clear, poignant message and strong organization to fight this, and I honestly don’t know what the solution is.

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Agreed, which is part of why I switched to voting for the Democratic Party. But like I told my kids when they were in HS - nobody cares about that stuff if they can’t pay for groceries. And even though inflation was due to a GOOD economy, too many people don’t understand how that works, and they only listened to the loud mouth blaming Biden for literally everything. And they believed it, because acknowledging a FB meme is easier than taking the time to learn how government works.

Republicans have used churches as a basecamp for their far right message for years. If you weren’t involved with it, you would have had no idea how long it’s been brewing and how far reaching it was/is. Democrats need a similar vehicle to get their message out to the masses, and like you said, it needs to be clear and organized.

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Oh my gosh, Melissa! This thread is timely as just tonight I watched the Shiny Happy People documentary about the Duggars. The last couple of episodes where they talk about how the IBLP and Bill Gothard has been organizing to take over the country for decades. Madison Cawthorn and the whole crew of young members of that homeschool culture who were brought up to infiltrate politics and spread their cult-like beliefs into America. Politics. It was 😳.

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I haven’t watched that one yet, Cristy. I started The Family, but didn’t complete it. It lays out the plan to takeover politics since like the ‘70’s or something. I couldn’t keep watching it. There’s another one coming out called The Religion Business about the money these mega ministries are taking in and not paying taxes on. Anyway, I worked for Kenneth Copeland Ministries and it was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. I’ll have to write about it more. There is definitely a dark underbelly of politics and religion that is dangerous and nothing like Christ, and it’s taking hold in ways I never thought I would see in my lifetime. Something has to be done to stop it.

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Completely agree with your response. Many Americans are exhausted, struggling financially and have zero time. It’s a shame that they’ve been tricked into believing in trickle down economics and tax breaks for the wealthy. I do believe it’s possible to have both a good business climate + a strong safety net.

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Melissa…I couldn’t agree with you more. I was a lifelong Republican, too, turned Democrat the last 3 cycles. I also came from an evangelical background. The Christian Nationalist movement has been very organized and calculating. They back Project 2025. They have precise and detailed plans to build their coalition and set their agenda in place. I don’t see that kind of discipline with the Democratic party and leadership. Bipartisanship was great and necessary until Trump with his authoritarian rule. We need to fight this. We will lose everything we believe in. The Christian Nationalists will NOT stop or give up because they believe, as you said, that they are doing God’s will. I am a Jesus follower. My political beliefs changed but not my faith. The Christian Nationalists are following a political ideology not the words or actions of Jesus.

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Agreed Patti. “Christian Nationalism” has nothing to do with Christ.

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Yes this!! I just got told last week that I’m evil because I don’t support Trump because he doesn’t support abortion and homosexuality. Nothing else mattered. I totally agree with your assessment.

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I have been told the same thing, Shirley. Tell them that Trump appointed a married gay man to Secretary of the Treasury (Scott Bessent).

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Melissa said what I have been saying for 8 years now. What the heck is our message(s) as Dems?!!!! The Reps have worked methodically, starting at the local, then state levels, to expand their message and base. They got control of governor positions, thus influence. Projects 2025 didn’t come together overnight. That was in the works for YEARS - not even months. Ready to go “for the next Republican President” ~ not just Donald Trump (although Trump was/is their perfect puppet, they could not be happier with him as the one whose strings they can pull).

Meanwhile, IF the Dems have been doing anything close in organizing and preparing - there is little to no transparent evidence of that. I truly believe the Republicans party has lost its way (how voters fell for a loud mouth bully I will NEVER understand); but I am disappointed that the Democrats have been ineffective in fighting fire either fire and they should have held out and not crossed the aisle - there is NO WAY they would’ve received the same consideration

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Spot on

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The Republicans in Congress threw the rules of bipartisanship out the window over a decade ago. It’s past time for Democrats to stop playing games, stop choosing their power and positions over the people they represent and start saying no to every single thing that harms the American people- and that right now is every single thing the Republicans are doing. I’m not voting for any Democrat that voted to advance the CR. And I say that as a Government Contractor who never wants to see the Government shut down because its causes even more chaos. The Republicans never even asked the other party who represents 47% of the American people for any input. They just said take it or leave it knowing full well they needed their vote. The Democrats should have called their bluff, walked away, got their messaging on point about how REPUBLICANS were going to shut down the government because they hold the executive, the judicial, and both chambers of the legislative, and told them to pound sand until they came to the table. This is not a joke anymore- we are watching our democracy get dismantled and every single person that voted for this CR is in on it and culpable. When people like Kinzinger and Steele are saying to Democrats- do NOT do this-you know there’s a real issue. I’m done with the Schumer led Democratic Party.

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I agree with you, especially the part about the Dems getting their messaging on point. Why can't they do this? Time after time, I will hear nearly every single Trump Republican spouting off the same talking points, posting the message all over social media and Fox News. I feel like I don't see this from the Left in the same way, and it's frustrating.

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My concern about wanting Democrats to have the type of organization as Republicans is that it fortifies the two party system even more. When everyone has the same talking points, it’s cult mentality instead of critical thinkers simply aligning with a party. People have made their entire identity their political party and it’s devastating society and how we interact with each other. I’m not saying I know the right answer for how to react to all this. It just makes me nervous because the Venn diagram that should exist with politics is rapidly disappearing and the ability to truly work with people that think differently is disappearing with it.

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I definitely hear this concern, and agree that the last thing we should want is further entrenchment. I also think the Dems have room to improve their coordination and messaging without having to take the same extreme-loyalty tactic that the GOP of late relies upon. I want a robust multi-party system ultimately, but we only have two parties right now so I also want the Democrats to be more effective about reinforcing the rule of law and the constitutional balance of power. The right-wing messaging system is so effective that they're setting the terms of the conversation and choosing the (often extremely distorted) framing of every issue ("Don't like DOGE? Guess you're not bothered by fraud, waste, and abuse. At least they're finally doing something!" etc), and the online/new media space in particular is dominated by those voices. I'm no booster for the Democrats, but my goodness there should be a more concerted effort from them to stop being so cautious and actually counter that BS.

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I’m with you here. I WANT the left to stay a big tent. I don’t want the dems to become unified around a single person like the right is. Leadership is deeply needed on the left right now. But I don’t know how to get people interested in critical thinking. A huge subset of people have decided critical thinking is either lame or liberal plot. I don’t know what we (those not in the cult) can do to counter that type of messaging.

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I don't think we have to sacrifice critical thinking to have a more cohesive message from the Democrats. What they are doing right now is not working. It is not making us any less divided. My hope in wishing for better messaging and more organization for their talking points is that they can actually cut through the noise and be HEARD for once.

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I completely understand what you’re saying here. And I don’t disagree with this sentiment when things are “normal” or even “sorta normal.” But we are not in normal times in my opinion. I heard someone say that Democrats need to get on message and talk nothing but tariffs, taxes, and terminations in response to Republicans talking waste, fraud, and abuse. And it makes sense. Just hone it down to three simple things that are impacting every single one of us- things that everyone in the low and middle class sectors can point to and say- yeah, I know someone who was/is affected by (one of these things). Because until they do that and get on a unified message about what is actually happening, they continue to be a chaotic disaster that sounds out of touch with normal people (and they are- I mean honestly 99% of our elected representatives are so out of touch). What the Republicans are so good at is simplifying their message and literally saying it over and over and over until you want to scream. But it’s effective and it keeps their base on topic- and I know because my entire family supports this administration and that’s ALL they spout back. Democrats need to do the same thing and stop intellectualizing how great the Biden economy was from an economists standpoint and start talking to the American people in plain terms. It would be a breath of fresh air the next time someone says- well we got the “crappy Biden economy” for them to say, you know what’s actually tanking the economy- making the middle class pay for rich people to avoid more taxes because the middle class are the only people that spend money in the economy and you’re taking more of it away from them, you know how we could solve poverty and be “pro-life” like you guys say you are-making the ultra wealthy just pay what they owe in taxes which could nearly wipe out poverty. Or the next time they say- DOGE is cutting waste, they say, really explain to us how terminating agencies that cut off contracts to small farms and is going to cause them to lose everything is waste. Or please tell the American people how cutting a billion in school lunch aid is going to hurt farmers and how schools don’t know how they are going to continue feeding kids without charging families, which is going to cause kids to go hungry and why that’s fraud or abuse, or please explain how tariffs might bring car making back to the US but those costs will be passed on to consumers and a Honda Civic will cost $50k and how someone making $70k a year can afford that. Please explain to us how firing people that make 40k a year at our national parks is more effective than getting rid of a $600 billion dollar contract for Elon Musk and his Space X program. Please explain how a billionaires space rocket program is more important than our national parks that millions of families visit every year, is more important than school lunches, is more important than small American farmers. Go ahead, we’ll wait- it’s such an easy message that most people could get behind.

And then, if we are able to hold the line and save what freedom and democracy we have left- then yes, let’s talk about nuanced issues or policy differences, sure. But not at this moment- now is not the time. They need to get back to basics in my opinion.

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Yes! Yes! Yes! Well stated, Rachael.

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That makes a lot of sense! I definitely agree that this would make a difference. It makes me wonder if they’re all so gobsmacked or licking their wounds since November that they can’t focus on organizing. Trump continues a campaign type attitude and mindset, so maybe that’s it. There needs to be “slogans” like MAGA recites ad nauseum.

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Rachael - Well said!!! Dem's need to ask the questions the American people need to hear.

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Because the right is a cult and parrots all the same talking points….and the left is a big tent.

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I don’t have any answers to offer as to why the Dems can’t seem to come together in their messaging. It appears the party is floundering without a single compass. From an independent looking in, it appears a bit like an effort in herding cats! Too many wanna be chiefs…

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The thing about Republicans is they vote for whoever the person is with an R next to their name. They don't even oust the sexual predators. When Democrats turn on another Democrat, we risk losing that seat to an R. That said, we have to hold the Ds accountable, but I think the Rs have figured out that needs to happen in the primary, not the general election.

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I mean, yes to all the important stuff beloved Governerds are sharing about their views on Dems & bipartisanship, BUT CONDOLEEZZA RICE!!!!!!!!!

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Can’t wait to see the interview!

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It feels like a lose lose. I think we as democrats have to compromise and work across the aisle, how else can we get things done? I also think we need to act with integrity and higher standards. Sadly, I no longer think that works, when the other party is willing to act dirty, lie and appeal to the lowest common denominator. I don’t want the dems to use that method even though it feels like that means we lose.

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The lose lose is so true Emily. If democrats voted for the spending bill, Trump gets whatever he wanted. If they don’t and the government shuts down, people blame democrats for shutting it down. I do not envy Sen Schumer at all and don’t know what I would’ve done if I were him. I hate that he’s being attacked by democrats for voting for it but I also understand where those democrats are coming from.

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I am a registered Independent who typically votes Dem. I am honestly a very progressive liberal, and frequently feel like I don't have a home within the antiquated, stilted, and message-failing Democratic Party. And I think that's a part of their issue, at least. The Democrats tend to represent a wide umbrella of folks, from the former Republicans to the Democratic Socialists. And they have in recent decades been so terrified of offending or alienating either side that they frequently fall short of standing for anything at all - or at least fall short of saying it succinctly and loudly enough to cut through all the noise.

The Republicans of late have a message, and say it louder and angrier than anyone else - partially I think because their umbrella is a lot smaller, and mostly because it works in the 30 second video life we live now. Is it true? Mostly not. Does it provoke strong emotion? Yes, and it works - a large part of their base eats up anything they scream, and then turn to scream the same thing at their neighbor.

In short, the Democrats tend to care what people think, what works, what's true, what's actually possible to accomplish in office etc. And the Republicans care about winning. To be super, super clear - I am talking about politicians in this post, not voters.

And - NONE OF THAT MATTERS. Not right now. We no longer live in a country that is Democrat vs. Republican. We are living in a country that is Democracy vs. Authoritarianism. The playbooks (or lack of them) are out. Decorum has no use here. There is only causing the most friction possible against fascism. And that, in theory, could be a gift to those who hate the current political divide. It's an opportunity for across the board unity - for the people, not the politicians to be heard for the first time in a long while. It won't be easy, or comfortable, but it just may create some actual change. If it could spur election reform and get us to a place where third parties win not just in the movies, that (to me) would be amazing. It definitely is already creating change within the Dem party - the days of the Schumers are numbered.

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I'm curious what your thoughts are on Harris' loss, though, in the face of Trump's more authoritarian campaign. I feel like the 2024 presidential race was framed (by Democrats) as Democracy vs Authoritarianism and, while I personally believe it was true, it simply didn't seem to work for the American people. It seems to me Americans can't bother to prioritize the constitution when they're worried about affording housing and food. Do you think a Democracy message can work to win elections?

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I think the Harris loss was more about the fact that 1. She couldn't get away from the fact that she was Biden's VP & 2. The Democrats failed spectacularly before she was even brought on - and left her little room to actually build a campaign. I do find it extremely frustrating that the Dems campaigned on "save democracy!" and then promptly failed to have a plan to in fact, save democracy. I believe that Dem leadership is abysmal, that they have been missing the boat on organizing, that they don't understand how messaging works in the year 2025. All these things.

BUT I think there are more factors at play. I think the American people didn't actually perceive (as a whole) the election to be a Democracy vs. Authoritarianism question, as you pointed out, and voted based on economic factors instead. I think it's also valid to point out that this election was determined by who didn't vote rather than who did - people really didn't think it mattered that much either way. I think this is common in the days before an authoritarian takeover - not many people are paying attention, and some of the people who are simply don't believe things could ever get that bad.

I think the 2026 elections will address if a democracy message matters - but my point in the last bit of my original post wasn't about campaigns, really. It was about the fact that people are waking up to what's happening. They're engaging on a level not seen in recent years. And I think it will keep happening. I think people will realize that democracy is, in fact, tied to them being able to feed their families. And I think that the people still have the power to change the whole thing.

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Thanks for your thorough response! I agree that Harris's campaign was absolutely overshadowed by Biden's weaknesses. And Dem's complacency when Biden insisted on running again was absolutely a failure - I was so, so disappointed that Biden didn't make himself the "bridge" to a younger generation like he promised he would. (Or rather, that he didn't do it early enough to allow for a robust primary.)

I do think you're right that the 2026 midterms will be an intriguing test of the democracy vs authoritarian issue. It seems to be difficult for Americans to recognize (or remember, in Trump's case) the dangers present until we're actually feeling the heat of those actions in real time. I just pray that our elections can withstand the ways in which Trump and MAGA Republicans have weakened the system. I very much foresee Trump throwing out any elections that don't go in Republican favor in 2026.

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Absolutely! I certainly hope we do get free & fair elections in 2026, and that the administration doesn't, for instance, frame elections as having too much fraud, waste, and abuse and use that to put an Elon Musk backed program in place to cast your vote :/

I hope Dems and the American people recognize that this moment is unique - and that it is necessary to stand up and fight now. I think some do. I really believe that this unprecedented threat to our way of life could end in positive change - but I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

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I also hope we can have free and fair elections going forward. Losing our ability to vote for change is one of my biggest fears. I would love to see bug money removed from campaigns. So much harm has been done, in my view, by the Citizen’s United ruling.

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I disagree that the Democrat party is afraid of offending and alienating. Quite the opposite. To a certain degree, it was this type of behavior that led many to vote Republican in 2024. It may have been clothed in celebrity but came across as condescending and offensive to many.

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Compare Trump’s disgusting rally at Madison Square Garden to any Harris rally.

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Umm, why?

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It doesn’t seem like Republicans want to reach across the aisle either. The lies and the cries of ‘fake news’ coming from MAGA really solidified the fact that at this point I will never be voting Republican again (unless the party changes). In the most recent history my Republican Congressman has stopped responding to constituents. He no longer replies to emails or phone calls and has promised town halls but it appears he’s holding the party line of no in person town halls. His constituents are holding them for him. I have many frustrations with the Democratic party and things I’d like to see fixed. One thing is the average age. The people I find most inspiring in the party now are younger (often younger than me). I know there is something to be said for connections and learning the ropes. But it’s time for some turn over.

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I'm going to reframe this slightly with some recent history:

1) Throughout election season, Democrats sent out fundraising emails filled with desperate language: "Democracy is at stake! Save our democracy!" and so forth. Normally I would be skeptical of such catastrophizing, but given Trump's record in his first term, the events of Jan 6 2021, and his rhetoric, I and many other Democrats felt that the party correctly understood the scale of the threat. And so, we donated, volunteered, and generally put huge amounts of effort toward helping Harris and allies win.

2) Throughout Obama's two terms and Biden's one, Republicans were incredibly obstructionist. They blocked everything, filibustered everything, and set records for how LITTLE bipartisan legislation they passed. Tommy Tuberville alone held up military appointments for years! Truly, Republicans gave a masterclass in obstruction, bad faith, and frequently harassing behavior.

Now, in 2025, after all that doom the Democrats sold has been clearly vindicated within only weeks of Trump's inauguration, and he is in the process of unconstitutionally dismantling our democracy, safety, and civil rights, the Democrats aren't obstructing ANYTHING. They're not blocking clearly unqualified appointees, they're not filibustering legislation, they're not using ANY of the tactics that Republicans have so clearly demonstrated are successful. They are instead providing bipartisan cover to this active coup, relinquishing their constitutional powers to the executive and an unelected billionaire, and generally breaking their oaths to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. They're censuring their own, refusing to stand up in the face of violations that lay the groundwork for even worse, and often wringing their hands with a pitiful "Well, what can we do in the minority?"

This tells me that they never really believed what they said throughout the election, that democracy was at stake. They just used that to draw money and resources from desperate people. And now that democracy is under siege, they just want to retreat to their comfortable, rich, gerontocratic club where they can continue insider trading, go on book tours, and have an amiable brunch with the very people who are taking a chainsaw to America. Given the fact that Trump is also threatening Canada, Greenland, Panama, Mexico, and Ukraine, this abdication of responsibility risks massive consequences. Unless of course you're a Democratic senator who is simply above the fears of the rabble.

So yeah, Congressional Dems SUCK. I'm beyond furious with them. And this is coming from someone who was a Republican until 2012 and an Independent until 2018. As of right now, I find my local and state Dems to be much more responsive and doing a far better job standing up for our rights, so I'm supporting them. But federal Dems have not met the moment, and we are all worse off for it.

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Very, very much everything you said here. Republicans built an entire movement around obstructionism, and yet Dems are still trying to play the bipartisan game with a government that has no interest in their input. They need to use the little leverage they have and stop meekly signing on to everything the Trump government is pushing.

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I think you’re being unfair by saying Dems never believed in any of that. I’m also disappointed with Dem Senators, especially after so many Dem Congresspeople stuck their necks out on this budget bill. But I understand they felt like they had a choice between two terrible options. I just wish they’d chosen to fight. But many, many other people on the Dem side are fighting, by bringing scores of lawsuits to the only real venue that is available to stop any of this, the courts. When the Executive Branch has completely neutered the Legislative Branch for all intents and purposes, the only real option right now is the courts. I applaud all of the Dems fighting right now within the Judicial Branch.

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I wish I could pin this comment!

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The democrats have definitely decreased in favorability in my eyes. I follow @motaz_azaiza and watched as Gaza was bombed and innocent people were killed, and so many democrats refused to hold isreal accountable for the horrors they were committing. That to me was the end of my support for the party, because if they don't care about a literal genocide happening, they have no moral highground anymore. I'm hoping now that ranked choice voting catches on in more locations, more independents can start having a shot at winning elections, and that that will improve the quality of candidates all around.

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Casey, just to prove how hopeful ranked choice voting is, my Supermajority R state legislature put it on the ballot with misleading ballot language and it’s now in my state constitution that we cannot have it. That’s how promising it is! The R’s know it, and they’re denying us access.

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Are you on South Dakota? I was so angry about it. I tried to explain it to coworkers and the math was too much for them. They of course wanted the status quo.

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Debra, no, MO. Was it really too complicated for them, or are their minds closed to anything new/different/not supported by their preferred party?

It’s really sad when people give up their future choices for those reasons.

In MO, we gave up the opportunity to ever have that choice, and locked ourselves into the current voting method.

Ranked choice voting was not on the ballot, we weren’t voting for it or against it, we were voting to ever have the opportunity to change to anything else in the future.

The worst part is the ballot language started with “ballot candy” (aka lie), which is legal here in MO. It said, “Do you want to prevent non-citizens from voting?” Which, of course, is already illegal! And is, also, not happening in MO!

So, the lies of our MO legislature, and the stupidity of MO voters have now enshrined into our state constitution the inability to ever put the option of ranked choice voting on a MO ballot and let the citizens choose something different.

PS thank you for trying to educate people. I tried, too. I will continue, and I hope you do, too.

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The problem is most Americans do not want to spend the time on voting. They want it to be fast and easy, and I don't know that we have the civic commitment to try ranked choice voting. It's disappointing, but people won't even watch videos more than 30 seconds long. It's perceived as too complicated, even though it would be so much better!

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I wish ranked choice voting would catch on , but after seeing it get rejected here in Oregon, my hope for it has diminished. Like, if we can’t get it in one of the most liberal states in the nation, I don’t see it happening in many other places.

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My sense is that it worked here in Maine because we already have a long, long history of multiparty races, generally moderate candidates regardless of party affiliation, and no solid seat of control for either party (our biggest divide is between the North/South of the state and their respective US House Districts: Southern Maine reliably goes D while Northern Maine usually goes R, or a very center-left D as they have now). With that history in mind, several years ago we managed to elect an extremely divisive governor to two terms with under 40% of the vote each time, and I think for a lot of folks that was the final straw that pushed them to support RCV. It reflected our general attitude toward elections already.

[The Maine GOP hates RCV and is trying to get it repealed, but with little support. They don't have any basis for arguing that they have been or are being disenfranchised in elections, but that's certainly the angle they're pushing. It's transparently power-seeking in a way that thankfully hasn't gotten too much traction yet.]

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Yeah… I wish folks here were doing something like that with their frustrations. Instead, eastern Oregon is trying to “join” Idaho. 🙃 doesn’t exactly communicate their awareness of what’s realistic.

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I wonder if it's an issue of education? If too few people have heard about it and know the potential benefits?

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It’s definitely an education issue but also folks see it as being too complicated and want something that feels more simple, like a simple majority win/loss.

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I think this is the problem. There is information available but voters are not seeking it. They just see a change to voting and feel fear. I hope more high profile people will talk about it. Get interest going.

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I don’t disagree with what you wrote Sharon. But- and this is a big “but” these are not normal times. I understand you are hanging on to the rules and laws and constitution - however- our president is not. Our president is not obeying judges orders. Our president is ignoring our constitutional rights. Our president is doing things that align with dictatorship. And it just keeps happening. The most righteous of people that enacted the greatest change for the common good of all did not work to make concessions. They stood firm in their beliefs and shouted them from rooftops. These are not normal times. We are watching the dismantling of the foundation of our country…. There is no concession to be made if we want this to stop. We must stand UP on that mountaintop and stand firm against the weight of democracy falling on us…

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Thank you, Mara. Lately, the overwhelming anger I feel when I read these thoughtful and measured assessments, of the day-to-day actions taken by the three ring circus that is the current administration, is enough to make me want to put a gun to my own head.

I know that sounds harsh, extreme, worrisome-

but it is what I feel.

NONE of this is normal! Everything about this is so painfully and obviously about protecting his fragile little ego and the writing has been on the wall from the start.

Every, single, solitary move has been about bullying and terrorizing. Removing anything and anyone who doesn’t agree or won’t do his bidding and the hypocrisy of it all only adds to the insanity.

Free speech? What free speech? Anyone who disagrees or can’t be manipulated is targeted, threatened and/or removed. And he says as much- out loud, in the open. The narratives are twisted to serve whatever lunacy he plans to peddle on any given day and the followers all fall right in line.

Watching the dismantling of these agencies, under the guise of FW&A- firing and rehiring, ripping marketing materials off of the walls, removing lettering from buildings, blocking entry etc. - all BEFORE claiming to have conducted a forensic audit… and the supporters just ignore, excuse, deny, and then have the audacity to take to the comments and whine about his actions being painted in an unflattering light, complaining that no one is talking about the good things he’s done. WHAT GOOD?

We’re now on a watchlist for ****’s sake!

Allies are abandoning us!

Our goods are being boycotted and returned!

We’re in bed with a dictator!

And yet… the constitution-this, the constitution-that, checks and balances, bipartisanship, upcoming elections blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

The reality is stark and the writing is on the wall and the ignorance and arrogance of those who wanted this- well, fill in that blank however you wish. Bottom line, they’ll lose too. They just don’t see it yet.

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Gosh, yes, thank you for putting this into stark terms. Daily, I feel insane that we're all trying to respectfully keep our heads in line and our talking points measured while our government is damaging so much at breakneck speed. If we speak and act as dramatically as we feel, we're labeled as hysterical liberal snowflakes. If we speak in measured terms, no one gives a sh*t. It's a lose lose all around.

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Thank you, Ashley. I appreciate your acknowledgment and the effort you continue to make to clarify and educate, even under the circumstances.

I want the best for every single one of us and I’m just so heartbroken and sad that being

“Proud to be an American” is being taken from us. The shame of it all is truly devastating.

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Hey Nicole, you’re very brave to put your emotions out there. I hope you know there are a LOT of people who feel just like you feel, so you’re not alone at all. I wonder if you ever watch 60 Minutes. I kind of got away from it the last few years but I’ve begun watching again lately. They had a great piece on last night about the young musicians who won competitions to play in a concert with the U.S. Marine Band but the whole thing was canceled because, you know, DEI. Anyway, they interviewed the kids, who were so impressive and intercut Trump, Vance and Johnson wildly applauding Trump’s aspersions against DEI, with the result that those guys looked extremely small and cruel in comparison. If you can stream that segment I think it would really do you some good. It did for me.

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Thank you so much for your kind words and recommendation, Kate. Indeed, I grew up hearing the M*A*S*H helicopter followed by the ticking clock preview of 60 Minutes 😉

That segment seems to have struck a chord with many, as I’ve been seeing comments and clips circulating all day. I will absolutely check it out, particularly if it will provide a respite from this lunacy.

Thank you again!

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I was raised Republican, while my life experiences gave me the opportunity to re-assess the values I was raised with and the lack of those values in the Republican Party I moved to independent. Currently, I’m officially a Democrat, because I live in closed primary state and don’t want to be left without a voice and the D platform speaks more to my values than the R. However, something that is frustrating to observe, particularly online, is the “I didn’t have agreeing with (insert long time Republican here) on my Bingo card”. As Americans, there should ALWAYS be things we can find common ground with in the majority of the opposition party. I have many, anti Trump/anti MAGA Republican friends with whom I have conversations about politics. We almost always, with a few outlying topics, agree on issues, it’s tackling the issues that we disagree on. We agree that infrastructure absolute needs to be addressed, but who and how is where we disagree, for example.

I think it’s becoming extremely important to delineate between a group of people who believe in Americas mission and dream, for people of all backgrounds, cultures, religions, etc, and those that are looking to lift up White Christian Nationalism. There’s a big difference there and the average American need to be able to identify that, just like the average American should be able to do the same with the extreme left (which is not “the green new deal” people).

I am disappointed with the democrats right now because they claim to be the party that will stand up for the lowly American, not the rich or the corporations, but they have been floundering without a coherent or cohesive message. They haven’t shown any leadership in opposition to the current administration aside from typing social media messages and standing in front of a podium declaring things without doing anything to back that up.

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Thank you, Meaghan. One of these things is not like the other.

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Thanks for this article- I love the format. It is interesting to read about what’s happening in the Democratic Party. My favor or any understanding for the party decreased during COVID and seeing how the party shunned RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard. Lately there is so much hate and vitriol coming from Democrats, I don’t know that I would ever support that party in any capacity.

If we are talking about the Art of the Possible- it would be great to see a party form from Independents and those who no longer relate to Democrat or traditional Republican parties.

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I could say the exact same thing about the republicans, minus tulsi and rfk jr. I’m terrified by the hate the republicans spew and the lies that they embrace. We are at an impasse.

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Yeah, replace RFKJr and Gabbard with Romney, Cheney, and Kinzinger, and it’s entirely the same thing.

My favor for Republicans took a major hit as we watched McConnell block Obama’s SCOTUS nom, and then ram through Trump’s SCOTUS nom. It felt like the party had completely abandoned any democratic values in favor of partisan politics. And to watch the slow, steady embrace of Trump’s tactics of name calling and straight-up lying has been demoralizing, to say the least.

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This! I feel like this was a turning point. Partisanship took center stage over norms and democratic values in a big way, and it feels like Republicans have been flouting norms and running roughshod over democracy ever since.

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A major reason that both Gabbard and RFK Jr were rejected by Dems is that Gabbard actively spreads pro-Putin/Assad propaganda and RfK Jr actively spreads anti-science anti-vaccine conspiracies (as well as repeating Russian propaganda about Ukraine).

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THIS. All one needs to do is read through Trumps “Truth” socials. It’s truly frightening.

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Hi Emily. What lies and hate have you most concerned? Not from Trump- but from Republicans. I am curious what you have seen.

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Here is just the tip of the iceberg of lies for you:

Human-caused climate change is a hoax.

Obama wasn't born in the United States.

The Affordable Care Act set up death panels to decide who lives or dies.

Obama is a secret Muslim who was using census info to set up internment camps.

The Sandy Hook school massacre was staged to infringe gun rights.

Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election.

The Coronavirus epidemic is under control and disappearing.

The 2020 election was stolen due to massive voter fraud.

Jan 6 was a day of love.

They're eating the cats.

Foreign countries are emptying insane asylums and prisons and sending inmates to the U.S.

Vaccines cause autism.

USAID is a criminal organization full of waste and fraud.

Trump won't have anything to do with Project 2025.*

*LOTS of very fine people believed that whopper!

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I was asking the commenter which lie(s) brought her the most concern. Wasn’t asking for the laundry list of lies from the Republicans.

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Definitely not the laundry list but just a few of the lowlights from the past few decades as Republicans, as a party, descend further into the post-truth era. The more they lie, the easier it is to propogate increasingly more egregious lies. What does it matter who lays them out? They're all out there corroding civil discourse and terrifying people like Emily.

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ALL of those lies concern me!!

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Most Republicans echo Trump's hate. They agree with it, support it. They don't refute it or denounce it. Trump's hate is their hate because of this in my eyes. It's one in the same.

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I meant to add lies here too! Other Republicans do not refute his blatantly lies.

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Thanks for sharing. Maybe a great reason for a third party. Common sense and less hate and lies.

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I think what concerns me the most is the demonization of immigrants, refusal to believe in climate change, head in the sand about all of Trump's ethic breaches (his cryptocurrency, hawking Telsas at the white house, etc.), promoting psuedo science during a measles outbreak, while simultaneously not admitting to an outbreak, refusal to believe that abortion IS healthcare. These are top of mind, but I encounter more concerning behavior every day.

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Thank you for sharing. I think those are valid concerns.

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Amy, I love your term, “Art of the Possible.” And your dream of a party without hate.

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Thanks, Gina. One can dream :)

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“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”

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Bipartisanship only works when both parties are functioning to promote democracy, not when one is ignoring the rule of law and the constitution at every turn.

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I don’t appreciate the framing of your article as focused on the Democrats not working across the aisle when it has been the Republicans that long ago have stopped. The question is how does it benefit the Democrats to continue to play by rules that the Republicans will discard in a heartbeat whenever it serves their interest.

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This comment is it. Dems keep trying to play by the rules and Trump throws them out at will. They literally just said “I don’t care what the courts say.”

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I think we're seeing that play out in real time! There is no benefit, only an increasing loss of trust and respect. They need to ditch the "rules" and start facing reality. Yesterday.

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