There's such a stark difference between the standards that Republicans have for their candidates verses the standards Democrats have for theirs and I feel like in this election, it will end up hurting Democrats unfortunately. Republicans will support a convicted felon, not to mention one who has been held liable for rape and speaks about dictatorship, while some Democrats want to find a new candidate because theirs is *checks notes* "old". It's the same with how the media is handling this. We have a convicted felon running for president, which is unheard of in the history of in our country but that is swept under the rug because of the low standards that Republicans have set for their nominee. (They're ok with it, so the media is ok with it? And, the rest of us should be ok with it?) Instead the focus is on the other candidates age. In a normal election with two credible candidates, yes, that might be an issue. But, itisn't a normal election when have a felon running with Project 2025 waiting to be implemented. Why is the media jumping on Biden's age and not the GIGANTIC elephant in the room?

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I think people like me are talking about this because I left the Republican party when they told me not to believe my eyes about the issues with Trump and that I should shut up and vote. It feels like the truth of Biden's decline was hidden purposefully from us and now I'm being told by his side to shut up and vote. That's not going to convince an undecided voter. In the end I'll vote for whomever is on the ballot against Trump, but I fear that the undecided voters in swing states won't.

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I understand and appreciate that you feel disrespected, and that is valid. But this not a normal election between two normal candidates. The choice is a candidate in decline, or a candidate that will end democracy as we know it. Can we please acknowledge that reality, and stop discussing ways to lose this election?

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I'm never voting for Trump. I'll vote for whomever is on the ballot against him. But undecided voters in swing states need a compelling reason for them to vote against Trump and I'm afraid the "shut up and stay in line" won't convince them.

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I hope they consider Joe’s record, Trump’s record, and Project 2025 compelling reasons. I also hope we can all do a good job sharing that message, because our democracy depends on it.

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I have been saying this same thing. Sending a hug because if you’re like me, my anxiety has been off the charts

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The compelling reason is Felon Rapist Lying Ignorant Wannabe Thug and a Bully and like all bullies he’s a coward!!!

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I have the same feelings. However, I keep wondering if the debate was an example of Biden’s daily condition just seems improbable that they would have agreed to such an early debate.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

I think we do our democracy a disservice by continuing to discuss Biden dropping out. Let’s be reminded that the voters chose Biden in the primary. He had one bad debate, but goes to work everyday (you can see his schedule here https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/topic/calendar/ ) and he’s damn good at his job. Much better than any politician outside the executive branch. Support Biden, support democracy.

Also this…


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Voters didn’t have a choice in the primary as he ran without competing against another choice in the Democratic Party. He was the ONLY choice in the primary ballot for the party. So voters didn’t really pick him, there was no one else to pick.

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Voters could have voted just as the uncommitted voters did, but more importantly, nobody chose to primary him either except one person and he failed miserably

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My point is, the problem with democrats and progressives is they don’t stick to their guns like the republicans do.

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This is an extremely over generalized "point" that really lacks teeth because I could easily point out many times conservatives didn't "stick to their guns".

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Actually, stating that "voters chose Biden" seems similar to stating "flyers choose to fly Boeing". DNC didn't give us much of a choice.

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Nailed it. 🔨

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Like I said, voters could have voted uncommitted or wrote people in. In NH Biden wasn’t even on the ballot and they had a write in campaign. People left their homes to go write in Biden. They chose Biden. There is no evidence that Biden will not continue to do a good job for this country. His job performance has been stellar. To continue to judge him based on his speaking (which much of has to do with his life long stutter) and “looking old” I just feel it is a form of bullying behavior and I’m pretty tired of it. If he were 10 years younger we would not be having this conversation. He has a great team around him, a great vice president to take over should something happen to him. If the leaders of NATO trust him 100%, so should we. I would just like to hear something other than “the debate was a disaster and he’s too old” as a reason he should drop out.

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I was feeling the same way. However , just say Kinzinger make the comment that this was healthy for the Democratic Party to be able to have this debate and not behave like a cult. Ok. That is a fair point. Just thinking the time to do it was January

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

100%! But they couldn’t have that debate because this administration has done a very good job with the disaster they were handed. You can’t fire people who are great at their job.

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I love this so much! Thank you for sharing!

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

As an independent in rural NC, I am disheartened by the Biden camp’s response to all of this. They seem to be saying to voters that what you saw with your own eyes was not actually what you saw - and that response is frankly a turn off to the whole party. They have touted themselves as the party of transparency and as democracy defenders - but none of this seems to support those claims. I think President Biden has done a fine job in difficult times - however, the candidate displayed in the debate and the subsequent on camera interview was a starkly different candidate than when the uncontested primary occurred. I do not know what the answer is - but being told as a voter to ignore what we are seeing is not the answer and does not feel democratic either.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

I guess what I saw was someone with a terrible head cold trying to have coherent thoughts and respond to questions and outright lies for 90 minutes on TV. I myself am not over 80 years old and I have a head cold right now. After about 2 hours of work and training in a new employee my brain in done. I can't think of read my emails. All I want to do is go lie down. I know exactly how he felt. He seems to be doing ok now. Maybe Sharon can let us know how his speech went in front of NATO last night.

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I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m not 81 either but I’m close to 60 and when I recently had a bad cold/sinus infection, I literally couldn’t think straight and felt like my brain was full of cotton. The Democrats need to stick together if we want to defeat Trump. I don’t think we could agree on an alternative if we tried. All of this focus on the debate is just hurting us. We need to move on and focus our energy on the future, a positive future.

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From what I saw in response to the NATO speech, it seemed like all major outlets (even the ones who don't like to say Biden is doing a good job) said it was 'forceful' and 'powerful'...

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And In teleprompter. When he has to speak without that to help him, the decline is evident. He rarely to never takes questions in press conferences (when he does them at all) because the same thing happens. He cannot keep his thoughts together. It is sad that this is our only choice against Trump as I fear Trump is going to win by a landslide.

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You know. The personal animosity between these two candidates is historic. I’m not sure how either one could maintain composure being in the same room. Can’t help but wonder if that also didn’t come into play with Biden’s debate performance. These two are the choice. Who stands to do the most for our country and who stands to do the most damage. Muddying the water by saying what if we choose someone else only helps the Republican ticket.

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Do you remember when Kate Middleton was all over the news for an edited photo? While at the same time there was very little coverage about white house medicine being handed out improperly during Trump admin? This feels a bit like that. He did seem incompetent in that debate, but the amount of news attention it has generated is crazy! It feels like gossip you can “justify” being interested in.

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Medications were handed out like candy under Dr. Ronny Jackson in both the Obama and Trump admins, per the report.

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My point wasn’t against the Trump admin at all - I was trying to point out which type of “news” gets traction... and also reflects which articles are getting the most reactions.

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Got it. I’ve just seen that so many times it bothers me. People only want to accept news that helps their own side.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

I think what's frustrating is that his age and fitness for a 2nd term has been a question for months, if not years. Why did the party wait until game time to do anything about it? And now it's feeling too late. I wish Jeff Jackson from NC was an option. I think he is some Gen Z and Millenials could really get behind.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

What is missing in every single article and statement on this topic- including this one is - if not Biden, then WHO? Who has the instant recognition, likeability, experience, MONEY, and ability to get a majority to vote for them and win against Trump in 3 months? Who? People clearly know what is at stake here and yet they keep casually saying Biden is too old, too slow, needs to step down. Step down for WHO?

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The most likely answer, by far, is Harris.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

Right. I don’t think anyone thinks the absolute most capable candidate, although his body of work IS very impressive. And no one wants this for Biden- he should be, and deserves to be happily retired. But here we are. There’s no candidate coming out of the woodwork that we can get behind at this stage of the game. Not with the name recognition and likeability necessary, which is a shame.

If nothing else- I hope party leaders are taking notice, and will do what they can to elevate rising candidates in their party to invest in the future. Because what I’m seeing right now is shameful, and pretty demonstrative of our government in general, one that doesn’t see investing in the future as a valuable use of time.

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Totally agree about the investment in the future. What strikes me about this it’s such a Boomer thing to do to NOT think about those behind them (I’d throw Nancy Pelosi in this boat too.) as a Gen Xer, it really is no surprise we’ve come to this point.

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Several names have been brought up. The obvious being Harris, but also Gretchen Whitmer, Newsome, Pritzker, among others.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

Apparently no one like Harris and the others would not be able to raise the money they will need in 3 months plus name recognition is not their friend. I would be all for it if any of those would actually work in 3 months time.

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The polls are a mix. Some show Harris coming closer to beating Trump than Biden. Others show Biden coming closer. Harris has basically been in a closet for four years. If she were to come out and campaign, her numbers might grow even more. I don’t see Biden’s numbers improving unless he runs a few 5ks and puts in a gymnastics show to prove his health.

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It’s a moot point if Biden refuses to step down.

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The issue is ONLY Harris can legally receive campaign money. So she has to be on the ticket. So the question then is: Biden or Harris ? Not sure Harris can beat Trump. Yes Newsom, Whitmer are great but they can get any campaign money how can they win without a sizable war chest ? Also sure they are popular governors but look at Ron Desantis he was too and was a total flop.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

There’s an (in my opinion) very interesting WaPo think piece by Matt Bai suggesting Biden could use his age to his advantage to run as the “elder statesman” ushering in a new era of leadership from…please God, no more Boomers (but then I’m a millennial, and Biden isn’t technically quite a Boomer but close enough)

It’s a fascinating idea- Biden was once one of the youngest elected members of the Senate, who promised a new era of change. What if he used his knowledge, experience and love of country to help introduce the world to younger, fresher ideas and leaders now? Give Millennials and Gen Z seats at the literal table? Not just as political influencers or celebrities on TikTok but actually in the roles of the Executive Branch.

He can’t deny he’s old (and doesn’t) and it would be both a very humbling and hopeful way to pivot his campaign. But at least I, personally, would see it as a breath of fresh air and frankly a way to draw out more Gen Z voters in a slightly more authentic way.

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My dad (a boomer who's always been a Republican but who is all in on defeating Trump however we can) thinks they really need to go harder on the idea of Biden's 'team' - he's surrounded and supported by a VP and a cabinet who are competent, capable, and all for defending our democracy. I think another potential compromise could be to simply flip the ticket - it becomes Harris-Biden instead of Biden-Harris. The leader is younger, more energetic, but still backed by the record and knowledge Biden brings... then Biden isn't necessarily leaving the race, he's just facilitating the ushering in of someone new... ?

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I am also a boomer. Raised Republican and voted such until 2016. Your dad is saying what I have said this entire season. It’s not just who sits in the oval office it’s who he/she brings with them. I continuously ask who will be willing to work in this administration. At this point in Trumps first term how many books had been written by insiders of the dysfunction in the Trump administration ?

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I agree. I think this is true for any president. The team around them is just as important as the president is! The team around Biden is why I will be voting for Biden, the team around Trump is why I won’t vote for Trump.

I think the democratic politicians and donors like George Clooney are doing more damage to the democratic ticket -whether Biden stays or goes- even though their concerns are coming out of their fears for our democracy’s future.

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Right. They're trying to be all 'we have a higher standard for our candidates than the GOP does,' but all it's doing is sowing doubt. Even if Biden is going downhill faster than we'd like, he's surrounded by a wonderful team that I trust. He's not in this alone, nor should we want/allow him to be. That'd make him a dictator!

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The president cannot be an expert in everything, so the team around him is just as important because they give him the information to make the decisions. I absolutely agree the president should have a team of people to help: give advice, provide information, use their talents to help this country.

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I love this idea!

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Melennial voter here. Not sure if others feel the same way, but I will be voting, I just don't feel like being loud about it. When I do vote, I will be voting for the Biden TEAM. Many people forget that the president is a figure head with limited power and a pen. He has to work with other branches of government to make much of the change we seek happen. We have to vote for those other people in our corner too or his presidency is not as successful as we want to see. I'm voting, but not singing the whole way there. People will show up. We don't want to answer the polls. We don't want to shout from the rooftops every day who we're voting for because it's not that exciting, but we'll be there supporting the TEAM.

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Yes! The team

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Saying Biden needs to quit is a knee jerk reaction. He has done so many good things but people (media) seem to forget. Let’s vote for the person that is is kind, helpful, truth teller, etc

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He a very wise young man. People can say what they want, but you can’t unsee Bidens cognitive decline. Setting aside politics, is this how we treat elderly who are showing serious signs of dementia? Having seen my father decline gradually and eventually pass away in a memory care facility during Covid, the signs and behaviors are burned into my memories. Is this really the best thing for the country? Can this question be answered without bringing “well, Trump is worse because…” into the conversation? Because there are valid concerns on both sides but to me, it’s really about the coverups, the denial, and what’s best for the country.

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Just out of curiosity, and with all due respect, do you have medical expertise beyond personal experience (sorry for your loss. Dementia is a very difficult disease to deal with as the family) for knowing of Biden’s cognitive decline? I admit, I did not see the debate, but I see him many other capacities and see his administration at work, none of which has ever given me pause.

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I recommend you watch the debate and other clips showing his decline. To answer your question, I am not an MD. Many MDs have, however spoken to this issue on various news networks and in editorials. Agree that only his doctors know for sure, but it’s pretty clear. For what it’s worth, my daughter is a hospitalist and has theorized that he has many symptoms of Parkinson’s. On another note, when dad was diagnosed, he was in denial and he never accepted the diagnosis. It was also hard for my mom to make that decision to put him in memory care. We never want to believe our loved ones are suffering from an incurable disease. Hope this helps clarify my comments and thanks for being civil.

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One more thing ...I've seen this going around social media and feel like Biden campaign should push this idea: this is about so much more than ONE man. You are voting for an entire administration. Who do you want to be in the cabinet? Staff? Military hires? Policy? Supreme Court picks? Sure top of ticket is an old, stuttering man, but his entire admin will promote policy and democracy that I align with.

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Not only look at who will be in Biden’s team. Also look at who will be in Trump administration. Mike Flynn? Steve Bannon? So many were burned in his last administration thinking the adults in the room from the last administration will not be returning.

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I just posted the same thought…

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Republicans have united around a convicted felon, a person held liable for rape, a person who led an insurrection when he didn't win, a person who talks freely of dictatorship, a person who wants to usher in Christian Nationalism, and more atrocities to list. And that is their biggest ticket to the white House: their unification behind Trump. If Republicans can do that, knowing that's how they win, Democrats need to unite behind someone who is old, just old, to win this thing. That doesn't even make sense. Higher candidate standards from Democrats is what will unfortunately cause Joe Biden to lose. We need to get over ourselves, if even just for this election when so much is at stake.

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Not being a fascist cult is about the only thing I like about the Democratic party right now. When I see people tell me to just get in line behind a mediocre (at best) candidate, it makes me feel like the Democratic Party is only marginally more “pro-democracy ” than the GOP. Instead of criticizing citizens for wanting better options, why not tell the candidates to get over themselves and step down.

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The plan for better options needed to be started long before 3 months before the election, though. The situation is crappy. Of course I'd like a youger nominee, but not uniting behind the one we have will put Trump in office for sure, unfortunately. After this consequential election, the Democrat party 100% needs to get their butts in gear with finding younger presidential candidates.

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I completely agree the effort to find another candidate should have started months ago. I would have voted for any other candidate if their name had been on my ballot, but there wasn’t even another name on the dem ballot in my state. Not very democratic….

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We also need to be cognizant of we are not just voting for president but for the team surrounding him.

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Jul 10Liked by Sharon McMahon

I really appreciated Gabe’s insight; thanks for having him contribute today Sharon! As a millennial I often don’t understand the younger generation but what he says makes so much sense. I knew Gaza was very important but it was very illuminating that another issue is how they receive their news. I don’t know what the answer is but I do know they aren’t the only ones feeling unheard by their party

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Although I usually feel inspiration and hope after reading the Preamble, this does not inspire hope for me. I am tired of hearing about Biden’s age and if he should drop out when we have no control over that. The issues are what are important and what we should be talking about. People sitting out an election because they don’t like the candidate when so much more than the candidate matters is beyond comprehension to me.

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Completely agree. I think some of the millennials need a refresher course on what people have done in the past in order to have the privilege to vote. Or to hear about how far other people walk in other countries to vote. The apathy is frustrating.

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Completely agree

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I’m surprised Gabe didn’t mention reproductive rights! Is there a Gabe equivalent with a uterus you can chat with??

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Having watched my own father decline from dementia over 8 years from his diagnosis, it’s sad to hear people say Biden has dementia. He’s not even in the same camp as someone like my father. It was never about a debate for me. I understand what’s at stake and I understand I’m not voting for one person, but rather an administration and for that, I will vote for whomever is the Democratic candidate. I do, however, think it’s silly to keep asking for Biden to step aside after one bad night and I wish people would rally behind him to get him over the finish line.

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I am tired of this discussion.. it has already gotten too much attention. There are other issues and why aren’t we discussing Trump’s unfitness for office?

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And where is he? 12 days of not hearing or seeing him

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