This is helpful. It's nice to have a few tips to mitigate stress in this season.

This brings to mind for me a conversation I had with a buddy of mine this morning. We were talking about our experience with war journals that soldiers kept -- my grandfather kept one during WWII. And the funny thing is that, from what we've seen, they never wrote about battles. They talked about friends they made and good meals they shared and about life back home -- all very humble and deeply human things, and this during an extremely stressful and traumatic time. Battles and chaos are interesting but they aren't what make us human. It's our friendships and our families and good meals shared together. That's what makes us human.

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Such great words. I volunteered to door knock with a group of people unknown to me. We had great convos and I learned a lot! I have decided no more one sided news… and am enjoying Associated Press… now to find podcasts that contradict my beliefs!

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I foster kittens and puppies, which gets my mind off the election! However, I keep getting barraged by my sibling who truly believes Trump is our savior and tells me I need to become a Christian. He just latched onto Trump's latest statement and told me that I will be rounded up by the military for being too liberal. I want to cut ties with him but it's too upsetting for our parents (who also know he has gone off the deep end.) Seeing what has happened to my brother, I am truly frightened by another Trump presidency, especially if the senate flips as well. I am not sure what else to do.

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The fact that your brother is concerned about you being rounded up by Trump, but it doesn't stop him from voting for Trump, is truly terrifying to me. I guess it's okay for liberals to be rounded up as long as you don't know them? Yikes, yikes, yikes.

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As a Christian, referring to Trump as any kind of savior is blasphemous and very dangerous rhetoric. I’ve heard many Christians talk about Trump in that way and I can’t understand it. Keep fostering those kittens and puppies, my friend ❤️

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Trump said what?! I think I'm going to take the advice of this article and do some deep breathing rather than look that up.

People wonder why we don't respect their choice to vote for him. Its because of stuff like that! We just had our pride sign destroyed. I'm scared.

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My anxiety has been rising. I deleted the NYT news app (but not the games, lol). Going on a trip to literally “tough grass” and hoping that helps me feel more grounded 😆

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My aunt died so we're suddenly having a family reunion of sorts with people I love dearly and hardly ever get to see. It's keeping me busy in new ways, which is nice. But also a lot of them are completely opposite of me politically and I'm so anxious about political conversations arising. They're better to have in person than via text though so I'm trying to feel more positive about how those conversations could go if we listen to understand.

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Just need to say I love Dan Harris. I learned so much from him about meditation and really respect his work around mental health.

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Thank you- helpful post! Love all these tips for a stressful time for many.

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A Christian neighbor just send me Lakepointe Church Pastor Josh Howerton’s sermon about voting. Before I responded, I asked her opinion. She said she was offended by him calling himself a Christian and scared by his influence.

I agree completely that activity is an antidote to anxiety. One activity that helps me is when I encounter something inflammatory, I examine it, write a rebuttal, and share it with anyone else who is interested. I practice my hobby of documenting bullshit as #FairiesAgainstFuckery.

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