Yeah. I’m so over palace intrigue stuff along with using ego and personality quirks to explain this administration’s actions. It’s ALL about money. Trump can be bought (hellllllooooo Russia). Period. Yes, he has an ego. And he may even have a little teeny tiny bit of ideology that’s fuels him. But mostly? This man is pretty genius at mak…
Yeah. I’m so over palace intrigue stuff along with using ego and personality quirks to explain this administration’s actions. It’s ALL about money. Trump can be bought (hellllllooooo Russia). Period. Yes, he has an ego. And he may even have a little teeny tiny bit of ideology that’s fuels him. But mostly? This man is pretty genius at making (and losing, and then making again) a buck. So for me, when I follow the money, I am able to understand these relationships way better than when I get caught up in questions like “Will Trump start to resent Elon?”. The quid pro quo is pretty clear here. Elon (all the Tech Bros actually) want a). NO govt regulation and b). a brilliant but compliant work force which they’re pissed off they can’t find anymore from the elite universities who are turning out “radicals”. That’s it. In return, they donate BIG dollars.
The other frame that’s helped me with understanding the craziness of this administration is the WWE. Watch the Netflix documentary. It’s testosterone laden soap opera for adult men. It helps explain the chain saw prop that Elon used. It explains how Trump has mastered using visuals so effectively. He is a performer extraordinaire and that skill is something we must take seriously. He’s the National Enquirer but in human form. And he’s super good at it.
Use your wallets as your weapons. It’s working. The 50% who didn’t vote for T have triple the spending power than those who did. Own and use your power every single day.
I have been thinking of Trump as “DT Barnum” lately, because he’s turned our federal government into a three ring circus.
I also have come to LOATHE our current era of Jerry Springer politics…and cannot wait for the pendulum to return to more of the center after Jerry whacked it with his metal folding chair.
I completely agree. Once you 1) Figure out what the motives for himself and anyone he surrounds himself with are (always money and power for themselves), and 2) follow the money, everything makes perfect sense and also becomes easily predictable.
The Economic Blackouts have been the only real way I've felt useful in all of this mess. It's been a pleasure to redirect my dollars in every way I can. I hope it marks the beginning of the collective using their money to turn the tide towards good things. I'd been hoping to see it for years, but it felt lonely being the only one while the world went crazy with mindless consumerism. I got lazy and gave up. I'm happy to be reunited with my own values.
I also completely agree with your comparison to the WWE. I saw it in 2016 when the debates were previewed exactly as a wrestling match would be, and I couldn't believe we'd turned THAT corner. It was grotesque then, and it wasn't even the tip of the snowflake on the tip of the iceberg!
Yeah. I’m so over palace intrigue stuff along with using ego and personality quirks to explain this administration’s actions. It’s ALL about money. Trump can be bought (hellllllooooo Russia). Period. Yes, he has an ego. And he may even have a little teeny tiny bit of ideology that’s fuels him. But mostly? This man is pretty genius at making (and losing, and then making again) a buck. So for me, when I follow the money, I am able to understand these relationships way better than when I get caught up in questions like “Will Trump start to resent Elon?”. The quid pro quo is pretty clear here. Elon (all the Tech Bros actually) want a). NO govt regulation and b). a brilliant but compliant work force which they’re pissed off they can’t find anymore from the elite universities who are turning out “radicals”. That’s it. In return, they donate BIG dollars.
The other frame that’s helped me with understanding the craziness of this administration is the WWE. Watch the Netflix documentary. It’s testosterone laden soap opera for adult men. It helps explain the chain saw prop that Elon used. It explains how Trump has mastered using visuals so effectively. He is a performer extraordinaire and that skill is something we must take seriously. He’s the National Enquirer but in human form. And he’s super good at it.
Use your wallets as your weapons. It’s working. The 50% who didn’t vote for T have triple the spending power than those who did. Own and use your power every single day.
I have been thinking of Trump as “DT Barnum” lately, because he’s turned our federal government into a three ring circus.
I also have come to LOATHE our current era of Jerry Springer politics…and cannot wait for the pendulum to return to more of the center after Jerry whacked it with his metal folding chair.
I completely agree. Once you 1) Figure out what the motives for himself and anyone he surrounds himself with are (always money and power for themselves), and 2) follow the money, everything makes perfect sense and also becomes easily predictable.
The Economic Blackouts have been the only real way I've felt useful in all of this mess. It's been a pleasure to redirect my dollars in every way I can. I hope it marks the beginning of the collective using their money to turn the tide towards good things. I'd been hoping to see it for years, but it felt lonely being the only one while the world went crazy with mindless consumerism. I got lazy and gave up. I'm happy to be reunited with my own values.
I also completely agree with your comparison to the WWE. I saw it in 2016 when the debates were previewed exactly as a wrestling match would be, and I couldn't believe we'd turned THAT corner. It was grotesque then, and it wasn't even the tip of the snowflake on the tip of the iceberg!