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How are we now going to choose which laws to follow? We’ve already seen Inspectors General attempted removal without the lawful process being followed.

How exactly is disagreement on pardons, over-reaching mandates & tyrannical deportations going to square with voting a man into power based on the price of eggs & middle school hockey players’ gender? We have to prevent the deterioration of decency. Shrugging after the fact doesn’t keep us safe or feed our people.

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Who on here is shrugging after the fact? Who is telling you that people voted for Trump based on the price of eggs and middle school hockey players' gender?

Biden carried out the highest level of deportations since 2014. Were those tyrannical?

How are we now going to choose which laws to follow? Really? I recommend everyone watch this, Sharon's interview last week with Isaac Saul, there has never been a better time to be alive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=GWldKcItsQU&t=2766s

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Aren’t we lucky that there has never been a better time to be alive for white women? I’d like to keep it that way & include the rest of humanity in our progress. I’m an independent voter, but I guess this makes me progressive.

The price of eggs and gas was the excuse many voters gave for someone with whom they could not defend as a moral choice. I did not make that up.

The fight over gender in sports is given as another excuse. Facts.

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Excuse over gender in sports? What a bunch of BS and ignoring many real fears of girls, women, and other individuals. Yes, fighting for female only spaces is one of MANY reasons I despise Biden/Harris but since you don't care about children and their feelings what about the women's spaces where they are raped by men pretending to be women? Or they don't matter? As a fellow white woman I'm pretty appalled by the fact that you can easily wave a magic wand and ignore kids and adults thoughts and fears in the name of what you call righteousness while pretending you care about people. Tammy is nicer and your opinion has been noted. I just don't care anymore. What you really are saying is YOUR opinion matters than OTHER PEOPLES and screaming bloody murder and name calling when they don't agree with you. Isn't that just another way of trying to stay in power or show dominance??

And no, this is not the only reason I did not vote for Harris but it has been eloquently stated on this chain already. But again all you do is minimize things so I wont bother.

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Man, Aaaaaa, I'm glad I don't talk to people like you do or I might be accused of bullying! Hey, this United Nations report about the medals, is that the same United Nations that Trump had this to say about: "Which brings me to my next point, the utter weakness and incompetence of the United Nations. The United Nations is not a friend of democracy, it's not a friend to freedom, it's not a friend even to the United States of America where, as you know, it has its home." And how 'bout that report? Was it 890 medals over a week? A year? Twenty years? Was it 890 medals out of 900? Out of 5,000? Out of 10,000? Were they all gold medals? Silver? Plastic participation ribbons? Does anyone know anything about the methodology of this "report," other than it was splashed all over right wing media? How many girls didn't get their medals because they had a bad day or didn't train hard enough or weren't mentally tough when it mattered? Hey, I wonder how many little girls cried to their mommies when Martina Navratilova beat them on the court with her superior strength, height and stamina? Or how many girls were outmatched on the soccer field by Abby Wambach due to the same attributes? Or, like me, 5'8", 99 pounds (long ago), trying to play basketball against girls that were a half foot taller and 50 or 60 pounds heavier and getting my clock cleaned. Guess we should do something about that, eh? Some sort of girly-girl test that maybe RFKJ could come up with to keep those big bad trans and cis girls on the sidelines? {Insert emoji showing exasperated exhale along with simultaneous eye roll.}

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Was I screaming? Or were you screaming? I hope you find a place for your passion to bring positive attributes into the world. We certainly need the progress.

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Ok. Your opinion has been noted.

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