Even if true, she was born and assigned female gender. About 1 in 60 babies are born with genitalia that don't fully match their sex chromosomes. Most of them are completely unaware of their genetic sex, and at least some of them are surgically "assigned" based on the most apparent physical gender as babies. Biological sex and gender are…
Even if true, she was born and assigned female gender. About 1 in 60 babies are born with genitalia that don't fully match their sex chromosomes. Most of them are completely unaware of their genetic sex, and at least some of them are surgically "assigned" based on the most apparent physical gender as babies. Biological sex and gender are correlated, but not fully causally related. Most animal species have a gender spectrum, humans included. That said, she is not transgender because she was born female and remains female. But, did you know that some species change gender based on their environment? Also, some mammals can choose the sex of their offspring.
Over 900 females lost medals to trans-identifying females (males) in sports according to the UN. So while we are getting really granular on Iman and discussing interesting points, but points that generally ignore the our human reality, the problem is....bigger.
It's also worth noting that more than twice that many people are injured by lighting each year in Florida alone. We still refer to something as being rare by likening it to the chances of being struck by lightning. Pretty darn rare. Meanwhile, more than 5x that many people die in car wrecks because we've failed to regulate the size of motor vehicles. Seems like that could be readily addressed and have a real impact on lives. I could provide so many more examples where more people are impacted in much more meaningful ways. But I hope you get the drift.
Even if true, she was born and assigned female gender. About 1 in 60 babies are born with genitalia that don't fully match their sex chromosomes. Most of them are completely unaware of their genetic sex, and at least some of them are surgically "assigned" based on the most apparent physical gender as babies. Biological sex and gender are correlated, but not fully causally related. Most animal species have a gender spectrum, humans included. That said, she is not transgender because she was born female and remains female. But, did you know that some species change gender based on their environment? Also, some mammals can choose the sex of their offspring.
Over 900 females lost medals to trans-identifying females (males) in sports according to the UN. So while we are getting really granular on Iman and discussing interesting points, but points that generally ignore the our human reality, the problem is....bigger.
Yet, the problem is still miniscule. And will never actually amount to being important enough to trade our democracy for.
It's also worth noting that more than twice that many people are injured by lighting each year in Florida alone. We still refer to something as being rare by likening it to the chances of being struck by lightning. Pretty darn rare. Meanwhile, more than 5x that many people die in car wrecks because we've failed to regulate the size of motor vehicles. Seems like that could be readily addressed and have a real impact on lives. I could provide so many more examples where more people are impacted in much more meaningful ways. But I hope you get the drift.